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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
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So i have had a hard time using the FX loop on the RM100 due to the fact that its line input, i have heard people use the ebtech line shift, but my question is what if i use balanced 1/4" cables will that help the issue rather than spend 100 bucks on a line shifter.
Balanced cables will do nothing for you in this context.

Try your pedals/FX anyway, they may work or they may clip. I have a line level EQ and I still don;t like how it sounds in the MTS loop....so having the right level is not a cure all anyway.
Yeah i have tried everything, decimator, delay only thing that works is my BBE sonic maximizer and i had to pull teeth to get the right one to work. All the effects i run through there just sound muddy and they clip so bad. Even my dd-3 through the front sounds jacked but its fine through other amps. I actually run a balanced 1/4" from my pedals to the front of the amp just to quiet it down and add an even level to both sides, i have no clue why this is needed but the sound tech at my church said it would help and he was right i got my tone back all due to a balanced cable into the input.

Thats why i thought maybe it would solve the issue on the FX loop but i guess not. Pete said o one of his posts that the ebtech line level shifter works, but all it does is detect un-balanced to balanced and what not.
well anymore advise would be great, i would like to use my delay in the loop as it sounds like crap in the front. Also i think the Decimater would do much better in the loop as well.

Anymore thoughts?
TheHunter said:
Pete said o one of his posts that the ebtech line level shifter works, but all it does is detect un-balanced to balanced and what not.
Anymore thoughts?

Huh? The EbTech works with -10db to +4db gear - you can run pedals with it in the loop no problem. The RM series does have a semi-picky fx loop for sure though!

Not sure what you mean by un-balanced to balanced.

So then why would i need a balanced 1/4" going from my pedal to the front of the amp. Is threre something with one of my pedals that causes it to do this. If i use a normal 1/4" it hiss a squeels like one side of the chain is not in use creating dead noise. Thats how it was explained to me.

my chain: Guitar, planet waves tuner, GE-7 With shiper mod, TS-9 With mod, ISp Decimator, then amp. Off the ISp is where that balanced cable is. i have not tried my dd-3 again after switching to this cable but before it would sound like shizzle, all muddy and just lifeless, but it is fine in other amps with a normal cable, And in the loop is no better.

So the ebtech works great HUH? i am interested in trying one but for the price i just want it to work. Also what was Randalls purpose in doing this. did they not think that most musicians use pedals which are not line level. And in that case why not put 2 loops one line one instrument level.

Please help me to better understand my amp, and what i can do to get better use out of my efx loop.

Pete said on one of his posts that the ebtech line level shifter works, but all it does is detect un-balanced to balanced and what not.
Anymore thoughts?

"The Line Level Shifter uses the physics of inductance and impedance matching to increase or decrease the signal voltage without the added noise of active electronics. The Line Level Shifter also converts back and forth between balanced and unbalanced signals automatically. This is great because most -10dBV signals are unbalanced, while most +4dBu signals are balanced. It also contains Hum Eliminator technology to prevent groundloops that cause AC hum."
What I didn't understand is where you said *ALL* it did was change unbalanced to balanced. I never posted a thing about any balancing it does or doesn't do, never posted a thing about whether or not it cut hum, I only posted that it changed -10db and +4 db stuff so you can run your -10db pedals in a +4 loop, and it works fine for that in my experience with the Randall stuff.

That's it. Hopefully this clarifies matters a bit.

Oh, and a direct quote for the reading impaired:

Pete said o one of his posts that the ebtech line level shifter works, but all it does is detect un-balanced to balanced and what not.
I never meant to imply that you had stated that information,sorry. i was just trying to illustrate where i got my information as well as state that you had suggested in another forum that Ebtech was a good choice, i was simply trying to tie it all together I realize that you never said anything about HUM or balance, but I did and so i just was trying to be as clear as i could so that anyone reading it would understand my dilema.

I am sorry that my writing was very un-organized and faulty. In the future I will do a better job at seperating my Paragraphs, and use better punctuation and grammer, and when I quote someone i will make sure it does not interphere with another statement, or fact.

Again I am sorry.
No offense taken, just wanted to clarify, that's all. The RM100 is a finicky loop for sure, but I've had decent results using the EbTech. Best results I've had though was with actual rack gear - the Gmajor works great, imho.

Sweet, well i picked up one of those EBtechs, should be here this week, I hope that will fix my issue. I figured that the line level loop was suited more for rack users, I would love to get another Gmajor but i just dont use that many effects but from what i remembered that thing is a killer unit. On a side note i dropped some KT66 and KT88 in the Rm100 and let me tell ya wow it crushes. I biased them a few decimals lower than there suggested max due to the fact they have higher output anyway, and i love them, a little more compressed i would say IMHO tons of bottom end highs clean up real nice. Well thanks all fro the help.
