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Let me know if one of those channels will get close to a Marshall sound. I need something to get me close to Green Day, Collective Soul, etc

The SL2 is great but the liquidy smooth EG4 sound is dreamy.

I can just see it now, your mods arrive, you get out your selection of 50 or so preamp tubes and you start experimenting.......LOL

Congrats ! Can't wait to hear your review !

I'll get back to you all on this soon. I can't wait! In fact Howard, I'm going to order some Tung Sol 12AX7 just to have them on hand for the party.

Ned, back when I had my IE4 preamp, I actually used the Channel 3 (EG3) for leads with gain at about 1 or 2 O'clock and I used the Channel 4 for a Marshall style rythm sound, gain at about 10:30. It was cool. The 4 was a little brighter. I am curious to see how the latest version will compare having already owned the other two previous to them.

Just a side note, by my calculation that was the 412th misspelling of the word rithem on this forum (?????) Ha!
Dude, I am dying to hear a EG3/4. If it sounds anything like the amp you build at the seminars I will need one. Cant wait for your thoughts on this. Im specifically interested in how similar/different it is to SL2.

Well, I'll probably just have to call up Ned and have module fest some weekend (The beers are on me Ned). I don't have the SL2, but I'm pretty sure he does and he also has the Vox I think. I'll have 3 dually mods at that point. EG3/4, SL and B'man. I want a COD.
Yup, got the SL2 and VX.

I'll be playing at Sherlock's in SA on Saturday but the bar might get upset if we start jamming during a break :)

OT - we got a call to play the Giddings HS prom :) because we had Fall Out Boy on our setlist - that makes us modern rock. We played it live (Dance Dance) last weekend so this might be a seriously profitable song.

Note to self: Learn It's Not Scene next week :)