Egnater M4 Arrived!!!

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Dec 8, 2006
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Here it is in the little rack bag. Did some Tube swapping. Twin/Vox Sounds great now with Amperex Bugle Boys, SL with EH 12AX7's, COD with EH12ax7 and JJ ECC83, MHG with the original Sovtek's which sounded best for now. Played my Heritage H150 with Seth Lovers, EPi LP with Duncan Jazz and Pearly Gates and my Strat through it, they all sound great. I'll be able to open it up a bit more on Friday, I'm in a class for work through tomorrow so I don't have time to push it while the neighbors and the wife are home. :D

Thanks man! Yeah it's definitely a killer especially in a 12x14 room with a 1x12 Port City Wave Cab (Emi Swamp Thang) and an Open Back with a well Broken in Vintage 30. If I crank it too much I'll end up splattered on the opposite wall.

I was dyin' last week reading your posts waiting for it to arrive.
Awesome Mav,LOLs,hows the COD,I guess it's a completely different dude?Mine should be here anytime now..
jmgman70 said:
Awesome Mav,LOLs,hows the COD,I guess it's a completely different dude?Mine should be here anytime now..

Yes it's different. I can hear a little Boogie Mark I in there, and it has the D*mble, Fuchs sort of flavor in there as well. It's difficult for me to tell if it's my hands or the module though. I can get that Robben Ford "Mid Chirp/cry tone" with about any guitar and a clean Fender amp so it's not fair for me to comment specifically on that. It is a nice "smooth" OD with a little bite and not overly compressed.

If you have a FUCHS ODS I don't think this would replace it, but it's still a great sounding module that can get you somewhat close and have more flexibility. This preamp and modules are built like a frickin' tank! Very Robust design!
mavrick10_2000 said:
If you have a FUCHS ODS I don't think this would replace it, but it's still a great sounding module that can get you somewhat close and have more flexibility. This preamp and modules are built like a frickin' tank! Very Robust design!

Hey Maverick10_2000,

I'm intereted to hear your thoughts and comparison to the ODS. I don't have one, but feel it can get me right into that nice little Fuchs'y happy place. The closest I could get there before was with the Vox B channel with a bit of boost in front.
John Czajkowski said:
mavrick10_2000 said:
If you have a FUCHS ODS I don't think this would replace it, but it's still a great sounding module that can get you somewhat close and have more flexibility. This preamp and modules are built like a frickin' tank! Very Robust design!

Hey Maverick10_2000,

I'm intereted to hear your thoughts and comparison to the ODS. I don't have one, but feel it can get me right into that nice little Fuchs'y happy place. The closest I could get there before was with the Vox B channel with a bit of boost in front.

Hey John!

I think the COD can get you in the general tonal territory. It's smooth and a cut through the band type of OD. Very singing/crying/moaning type of tonal quality, it depends on what you're trying to squeeze or finesse out of your instrument. This is compared to a friends Fuchs ODS 30 Combo I got to play around with a few times. In my brief testing thus far the mid-knob and channel gain is the key for tuning it in to your guitar and playing style for that Fuchs'y happy place.

With the Fuchs there's just so much interaction between the power section and the tone stack it's going to be difficult at best and nearly impossible to cop that tone 100% with the modular paradigm- without sacraficing the flexibility of the other modules. I have no doubt that Bruce has the technical ability to nail it 100% with a different platform, but he doesn't strike me as a guy who would step on another builders toes like that - nor would it cost $400 :D .

With that said, It's a great module that can work for a various musical styles. Oh and like all Egnater products I've seen it's built to withstand the Apocalypse!

I just realized I wasn't very clear with my previous post. Sorry, I meant to say that I don't have an ODS, but I do have the COD. The channel A is all about that tone no doubt. But, since I have never actually played a Fuchs I couldn't make a direct comparison. I am not too obsessed about weather it nails a tone in judging it value (since I love the module's tone already), but I was more curious from a kind of geeky scientific perspective, I guess.
John Czajkowski said:

I just realized I wasn't very clear with my previous post. Sorry, I meant to say that I don't have an ODS, but I do have the COD. The channel A is all about that tone no doubt. But, since I have never actually played a Fuchs I couldn't make a direct comparison. I am not too obsessed about weather it nails a tone in judging it value (since I love the module's tone already), but I was more curious from a kind of geeky scientific perspective, I guess.

No problem John. I thought you had received your COD already with your MOD 50. I was also unclear in my post, I was just posting the schpiel for the other folks who have had questions about "Does it nail the fill in the blank tone. Not 100% but close enough would be the short answer. :wink:
My philosophy exactly. I guess if one needs to nail the Fuchs tone, they can go right ahead and spend over 3 grand on that one family of tones. Whatever. I think that the price/tone value of Bruce's stuff is well beyond ridiculously competetive. 'nuff said!

I am absolutely loving my COD. I am going to use it all over the new album I'm writing and recording. I was fighting to get close to that tone for some parts with the VOX B, some boost and bridge humbucker with the volume rolled down just a hair (on my Ernie Ball, rolling the guitar volume down a hair and adding a bit back with the Keely comp thins the bass a bit and rounds out the mids some). Unfortunately, it wasn't working completely. It was making the highs loose that glassy thing. When I pulled the MOD50 out of the box, I cranked it up and was like. "Ok, there it is." :D Problem solved.[/i]

That will be fan-freakin'-tastic!! I love the tracks you've shared thus far, can't wait to hear the new ones. Although I'm still regularly listening to my HWM CD and I don't see that going out of rotation any time soon. I turned a few buddies back East onto it so hopefully word will keep spreading.

Thanks again!


I'm so happy you like the album. Thanks for spreading the love too! We are excited to be getting rev'ed up for some more gigs this summer and going over some new material. We haven't played since Feb since my new album has been eating up my time. I can't wait to build my new live rig. It will be a little smaller, just as flexible and add a few new modules! More to come.
Hey John, I know it'll be somewhat off since we use comletely different guitars, but what settings are you using on your COD and did you find the output to be very hot like some of the rest of us?
3 Mile Stone said:
Hey John, I know it'll be somewhat off since we use comletely different guitars, but what settings are you using on your COD and did you find the output to be very hot like some of the rest of us?

Hey 3 Mile Stone,

I?ve found this magical little happy place where the COD likes the single coils and Humbuckers on my EBMM Steve Morse equally. Gain is 12:00 high. The Bass, Middle and Treble are all at about 11:30. The Bass Boost is on Right. Bright on Right. Master is only about 9:30 or so to be even with T/D (Twin) cranked. Amp in half-power mode. Master Volume at 11:00. Density is 10:00 and Presence is 1:30. What is so cool about this setting is that the single coils get that glassy thing but with the growl of a TS in front o f a Matchless almost. The humbuckers are huge and sort of compressed, but it is still really easy to get those javelin-like artificial harmonics to punctuate fusion lines a la recent Steely Dan guitar tones. It?s incredible how tonally versatile this setting is in terms of colors and dynamics while remaining punchy the whole while. I will be playing our entire Bionic Hillbilly tune on this setting now just flipping pickups and throwing in a octave wah in the evil robot guitar solo part.