Egnater module advice

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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I have the SL, and Erect modules, but I'm looking for a warmer tone with more sustain, tighter lows and mids, harmonics. Which module would be the best choice, EG3, EG4 , SL2, or the MHG ? I've seen/heard the clips on Indoor Storm, but wanted to get your opinions. The SL is good, close, and the Erect is just too gainy, with breakup in the lows and mids at high gain settings.
The main axe is an early PRS with PRS vintage humbuckers.

BTW, we're talking single channel.

Thanks for your help

EG 3 and EG 4 sound like what your looking for. I live on the both of em for medium and higher gain settings. Soooo smooth and warm like butta compared to the sl or sl2. My .02 anyway.
Hey thanks for your input. I was thinking MHG, but the EG3 and 4 is probably more for my style. Do they ( eg3, eg4 ) sound pretty much the same only a difference in gain and voiced the same ?

Thanks again,

Is this module for both leads and rhythm or just leads? If just leads, EG4 is probably better, otherwise Id go MHG.

EWSEthan said:
Is this module for both leads and rhythm or just leads? If just leads, EG4 is probably better, otherwise Id go MHG.


I'm looking for primarily a lead tone, the Vox covers my rhythm needs. I just need a mid gain and high gain lead sound for a Neal Schon meets Steve Vai blend.

EG4 screams Vai to me .Santana, Schon .Holdsworth all the guys that have smooth legato technique , and want bends to sustain for days with a vocal quality .
Great, that's what I needed to hear. If it's close, a little EQ and maybe I'm there.

Thanks for the help,

I own all of these modules in duel channel. Bruce told me the EG3 amd EG4 are really just Marshalls with the highs rolled off a bit in the tone stack. So it has darker, smoother tone that might be perceived as less gainy, but really isn't. To me, the EG3 and EG4 with the tone controls set at noon sound a lot like the Recto module with its tone controls set at noon. But the difference between the EG and Recto modules is really apparent when you mid scoop them or otherwise adjust the tone controls. The Recto chunks up a lot more.

Of course, Vai played a TOL 100 for a while, and the EG3 and EG4 channels are the high gain channels of the TOL 100. You can check out Vai's tone stack settings for his TOL 100 here:

Lately, I really like the Bman module with a midscoop (3 oclock, 9 oclock, 3 oclock), the bass switch set on two, and the treble switch set on one. It seems the warmest of the modules to me that is capable of a distorted, lead tone. But it is lower gain, so it does not have the front end compression and therefore sustain of the Egnater modules. So the Bman is probably not what you are looking for. Or maybe you could add a Keeley compression pedal?
Thanks for the info, interesting Vai/Egnater trivia. Love those settings on the TOL 100 . :)
I was thinking of getting a Bassman too, might as well try them all. Just changed the EH tubes out in the SL, and installed JJ EC 83's, I like the sound much better now when I'm playing with the PRS vintage pup's.

Thanks again,
