#!!@! EL34s

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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Near Seattle WA
Okay, I knew this day was coming. I had two tubes in the original EL34L quad fail after a mere 14 weeks. I had three EL34s remaining from my JVM. I put two of those in place of the bad tubes but paired up EL34Ls together and the EL34s together. I wasn't expecting this set to last very long. Bad tubes run in batches. I've had crap luck with JJs.

Yesterday I started getting the fluctuating volume symptom that precedes a tube failure. I checked the bias and it was spot on. I'm hoping my new quad is in today -- the local shop ordered a quad of =c= EL34s from Ruby. If they're not in I'm over to my 5150 for a while (always have a backup). I know these will make the amp more mid-rangy like a Marshall, and I'm skeptical of the quality of EL34s in general. I'm hoping I finally get lucky and have a set last me a while.

If these don't work out, I'm thinking I might just throw in the towel and go with the Sovtek 5881s like those that go in all the Soldano amps except the astroverb. I've seen these tubes go for 14 years of heavy use in an amp in smokey environments.

Since I haven't picked up the EL34s yet, I'm thinking about going straight over to the 5881s. But like Bruce has said "but the tone!"

5881s are **** near bulletproof. The sovteks aren't 'real' 5881s but they work just fine.

I actually put a quad in my SLO after discussing it with Bill Sundt at Soldano - I was going to buy some RCA blackplates (high $ NOS tubes) but thought I'd go ahead and try the 5881s since that's what Soldano recommends.

I put a quad of KT88s in my RM100 and it was pretty nice too, but those tubes are a little more expensive. Also had good luck with 6L6s from TAD also.

So Pete, it seems like I've got a choice between the:

* Sovtek 5881R
* Sovtek 5881WXT
* Tung Sol 5881

I guess the Tung Sols are the real ones? I'm guessing bias should be around 28 mV per tube?
Julia said:
So Pete, it seems like I've got a choice between the:

* Sovtek 5881R
* Sovtek 5881WXT
* Tung Sol 5881

I guess the Tung Sols are the real ones? I'm guessing bias should be around 28 mV per tube?

Yeah, I'd probably go with the 5881WXTs since those are what Soldano recommends and they are tougher than 'real' 5881s. I have some 50s era 5881s and the maximum plate voltage is less than the RM puts out. Not sure how true the TS reissue is. For maximum life, go WXT.

so where do the 5881 fall in the spectrum? closer to 6L6's, kt88's or el34?

i just got done battling 3 (2 jj e34l's) bad power tubes myself that made my amp sound like a whirlwind blowing through the cabinet.
okstrat said:
Julia said:
So Pete, it seems like I've got a choice between the:

* Sovtek 5881R
* Sovtek 5881WXT
* Tung Sol 5881

I guess the Tung Sols are the real ones? I'm guessing bias should be around 28 mV per tube?

Yeah, I'd probably go with the 5881WXTs since those are what Soldano recommends and they are tougher than 'real' 5881s. I have some 50s era 5881s and the maximum plate voltage is less than the RM puts out. Not sure how true the TS reissue is. For maximum life, go WXT.


Going to second that....the 5881WXT actually sounds very good and biases up just like a 6L6 (which it's closer to I understand)..and sounds very much like a 6L6 but maybe a little smoother and not as bassy as say, a JJ 6L6....great clarity too.

The TS is a real 5881 (think) and supposed to take 400V on the plates max. but they seem to hold up very well according to the Egnater folk...it's a wicked tone for leads with these puppies too.

I liked mine best biased 'cold'...28mV.
Now to find a place that actually stocks the Ruby 5881WXT. I'm getting real tired of messing around with bad EL34s. I don't want to have to have the rear of my amp facing me so I can watch the tubes.

The fuses aren't here today, and the guy hasn't even ordered the EL34Cs. So I'll be ordering the 5881WXT from someone else.
bhuard75 said:
so where do the 5881 fall in the spectrum? closer to 6L6's, kt88's or el34?

i just got done battling 3 (2 jj e34l's) bad power tubes myself that made my amp sound like a whirlwind blowing through the cabinet.

The 5881 are considered in the 6L6 family. But they're like, Pete said, pretty bullet proof. A friend of mine has a Soldano Hot Rod 50, and the original tubes (14 years) just died.

There was a bad lot of EL34Ls back in October. My amp tech used JJs from Ruby. My Lynch Box was built in November. Randall also uses Rubys. So those EL34Ls that came in the Lynch Box were probably from the same lot. Ruby has pulled that lot.
If you are looking for a place that stocks just about any tube you would want is the tube depot. Fortunately for me they are about a mile from where I work in Memphis Tn. They do have a website and are very knowledgable when it come to tubes. They stock Sovtek, JJ, Tungsol, Mullard, EH, Jan and even have a supply of old stock RCA and other sought after jems. I replaced all of the 9 yes 9 pre-amp tubes in my old Hughes and Kettner Triamp that I traded off for my RM50H with Mullard 12AX7's from them. It did put some new life in that thing before I traded it. I just picked up a set of KT88's for a friend of mine that ebay'ed a SigX VHT head. The tubes lasted about a week after shipping and one went out. He absolutely loves the Sovtek KT's and he was a die hard Marshall man before that. The TSL had EL34's. Anyway google "tube depot" and if you need some more info than they have google "tube store". They are in Canada, maybe Vancover so that may be closer for you. They have some great information and tone reviews too. Good luck!
The Tube Store (ww.thetubestore.come) has been a really good resource. They have great tube reviews, good prices and they ship from Canada very quickly.

Jon recommended Svetlana El34's which I believe are the same as Winged C's. They sound great in my RM100 and have held up fine through about 12 pretty loud 4 hour gigs over the last 6 months. The do have pronounced mids, but I think it helps counter some of the natural darkness of the RM100.
Guitar Center had the Sovtek 5881WXT's in stock for $60 incl sales tax, free shipping. I ordered them locally. Matched quad. I'll have them next week.

I still might pick up the matched quad of the =C= EL34s and use them when I'm recording and need an EL34 sound for the SL+ and Brahma modules. Of course when Steve orders those is going to be anyone's guess.

Otherwise I think the 5881s will be closer to the tubes of the modelled ( I can't think of another word) amp.

Does anyone know if the "Marshall" modules were designed to sound like their amps with the 6L6 type tubes? Or more with the EL34s..

I also know the stock Marshall JTM uses KT66's. Can the RM100 use KT66's? Or would those overload the circuitry?

Or isn't there that much of a noticeable difference with the power tubes?

Meanwhile it's back to my 5150 II.
From what I remember about the 5881's that I have used, they seemed a little on the "dark" side but not as much as the EL34's. The 6l6 seems to have a brighter tone when compared against the EL34's. The 6l6 disign wise has been touted as a tougher tube and many amp manufactuers switched to these because of this. As a general rule of thumb, Marshall tone is EL34's and Fender tone is 6l6. The Hughes and Kettner Triamp had the Sovtek 5881's in it when I got it. I never changed them due to the internal bias points so I don't really have a before/after comparison.
Mailman1971 said:
I really really preffer the tone of EL'34's over 6L6's but if my amp keeps popping fuses...... :x
Might need to change that power tranny soon too, man. I've heard that's one of the reasons this amp blows fuses so often.
Right now I am so stoked over getting my Randall I have not even thought of changing the tubes out yet. Since I basically cut my teeth on Zeppelin, Aerosmith, KISS, AC/DC and Van Halen I think I would prefer the EL34's too. Of course this is based purely on the fact that most of these bands were known for using Marshall amps, with maybe the exception of Aerosmith (i don't really have a clue as to what they used on guitar). Before anyone chimes in I know the first few Zeppelin albums and I do mean albums, were cut using a plethora off different amps but the live stuff is a different story. And let us not forget Highway to Hell and Back in Black. I love those guitar sounds! I have never changed out the power tubes in any of my amps due to the hassell of checking and/or adjusting the bias. That is of course all over now! The VHT, former marshall man friend of mine has several sets of unused EL34's when I am ready to try them out. I plan on recording before and after to settle this question for me.