Examples sounds of modules on the Randall site?

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Feb 13, 2008
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Is it just me, but the last time I listened to the examples of the different modules that are posted on the Randall website, all the high gain modules had the same high gain sound and all the clean modules had the same clean sound? maybe something was wrong with my connection, or I really am tone deaf, or do the high gain & clean modules actually sound (respectively) very similar to each other?
Your not tone deaf. I feel the same way on that. I had to go to the store and play them in person to get the feel and true sound. That to me is the only way. The clips do no justice at least in my opinion.
jimosity said:
They're getting pretty old now, but you can check out some of the clips I did....see my link below

You should update them with Egnater stuff..your clips of Randall might've sold more units than any of their clips and the Indoor Storm Egnater demos are less then stellar :D
jimosity said:
They're getting pretty old now, but you can check out some of the clips I did....see my link below

Jim your clips have helped me so many times make a difficult choice when trading or buying new modules.

Just want to say thanks for putting that site together, I have used your tone charts, bias setup, and clips so many times.

They may be older but they still kick the crap outa the humdrum Randall clips.

Thanks dude.

I said it before but I'll say it again.
It would really great to have a set of clips with PASSIVE pickups. There are alot of guys still using them..and I think you can really hear the sound of the modules better with passives versus an EMG85 or EMG81..which is all I seem to hear.
jus sayin...
You know, I agree - it'd be nice to hear clips with passive pickups --- but when I did the sound clips, I actually didn't have any guitars that had passives.
I play live quite a bit and *NEED* my tone to be what I expect it to be when I pick up any one of my guitars, thus having EMGs in all of my guitars ensure that. I'm sure some purists and tone junkies will all have something to chime in here about, but for my personal needs - it just makes sense for all of my guitars to have EMGs.
Besides - if I were to record clips with passive pickups; chances are that I wouldn't be using the same kind of passive pickups that somebody would want to hear...nor would I be using the kind of cabinet...or speakers...or cables...or mics...or recording techniques...or playing style...power amp...etc...

I guess all of those are reasons that I have avoided doing any newer clips...because I just sort of figured no matter how or what I would use - somebody would complain about what I used to record with.

EMGs provide at least some sort of standard; meaning that they usually sound the same in most guitars and they are pretty common.

I don't think that recorded clips where EMGs were used would provide a sound clip that would be so light years different than if I were to record with passives that anyone would be disappointed with their module choice based on what they expected.

If so - a few tweaks of your amp presence/depth, guitar tone knob or what have you and you could get in the same ballpark.
I'm with the others on this! Jim, your clips are awesome! Passive or not! They have helped a ton when I have tried different modules. The bad thing, sometimes I listened, didnt like it and still got hte module thinking Id change it! What a foolish idea hahaha