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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2008
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Here is part of my preparing for new project :)

Omg I love fuzz. Looks like a fun setup, and it would be really really cool to mess with them in layers with different settings and just yum.

I'm really GASing for a Blackout Effectors Twosome with the SE wiring mod, and a Death By Audio Fuzz War, but alas I cannot afford them until I have the modules under control. So many are clamoring that they need me to let them grow up. Some don't even know what they want to be yet, and it costs so much to raise them into adulthood.... One is in europe getting educated right now and another I adopted recently needed some special medical attention in NJ. I bet neither of them come back to me even resembling the modules they left as.
VitaminG said:
I've only heard of a few of those! Are you planning to run them all at once? :D

yeah, stacked ;)

That's more fuzz than a French chick
....and that?s not all, folks :)

So much fuzz it reminds me of the time I made a quilt
with my belly button lint!
This slang is too complicated for my poor english :)

stay tuned, it will be more and more and more.... fuzzes, and not only fuzzes
new era is begining after long and secret preparation time ;)
Hey I can send you a m0joFuzz ^^
I will need to build a second one first though haha

Do you have a Way Huge Swollen Pickle?
Ok.. I confess.. I'm a fuzzthousiast too :oops:

How about a short intro of the Salvation Mods Fuzzy Messer there!