grail and scary mod?

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
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is it worth having either of these 2 modded....i know the grail sounds pretty good as is but the scary could use a little more gain....
I was able to test the Scary side by side with a Pete modded and a stock Scary and hands down the Pete mod blows it away. I cant say that it had more gain but it had more clarity and definition, which in my book is better than having more gain on tap.

Just my 2 cents
i agree about the clarity,,that why i ditched all my mesa stuff and opted for the randall. { with the exception of the small logo rectifier}...
im gonna try some mods real soon..
I'm fairly sure Pete said he can mod the Scary for a little more'll definately want the clarity mod if you do though. The Scary already has a *lot* of gain tho'.....certainly enough for metal but I don't know if the 'midzmidzmidz' of it is the right voicing. ;)