grail, do I miss something?

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Jul 4, 2008
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I've been playing the MTS line for 1 1/2 year now and I'm really diging the versatility. I have an RM4 with a Blackface, Sl+, Grail and Ultra XL. I boost the high gainers with a Cusack Screamer when I have to (I don't really need to with the UXL) but I can't seem to make the Grail sound like it should (or what I think it should). Any tips?

By the way, I have a PRS Custom 24, RM4, Marshall 9100 poweramp (older version with 5881) and Mesa 4x12 cab.
Out of the stock Recto type modules, the Grail is believed by many to be the best one. Keeping the gain at noon or lower and boosting the one I had worked for me but from the clips I have heard, modding it with an Orange switch is where the tone would be at in my world.
this is my reply over at Rigs and Tones... Best Module for Pinch Harmonics.

I too struggled to unlock the Grails potential...

I just nailed a great dual rec tone with the Grail... it's definetly a shining moment for this module. I found that my approach to tweeking this module had limited me to mid gain bliss. One small tweek to the bass dial and a small tweek to the mids and this module nails that great Dual rec tone.

I found that the bass dial changes character around 1.5 then again around 6, then I found the right mix by backing off the mids to about 6-7 treble on 8-10 and gain on about 7, brite switch on, presance on 5 and density 6... nailed it!

The problem I had with this module was cranking the mids and backing way off on the Bass... not what this bad boy does best.

Alice In Chains anyone?
Thanks for the tips, I'll have to try those settings. Do you boost it with an OD?
I use a Cusack screamer as well and its awesome with the Grail. I use it whenever I'm covering a KSE song.
Gotta admit - I really wasnt digging the Grail...until last week. I thought my modded XTC and Recto covered this tone and more. Played a gig last week where the sound engineer kept asking me to raise my volume more. It was so loud that my noise gate was totally overwhelmed, and every module was feeding back like crazy, even with the gain backed down. The only one that maintained its clarity was the Grail. I dont know if it's because of it's low gain character or what.

So yeah, at low volumes I didnt think it was anything remarkable. At practice levels, I still think its meh. But crank the volume up, and it'll still be dependable.