How about a SLO module?

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okstrat said:
shred-o-holic said:
The Mr. Scary module is do get alot of mid bite and power like a Soldano........but.......I'm still hoping they come out with an SLO module and a Fireball..... 8)

I still say the Ultras come closest in stock form to the SLO sound... just my opinion though. :)

Well prolly your modded Ultra does maybe... :wink: :lol:
okstrat said:
I still say the Ultras come closest in stock form to the SLO sound... just my opinion though. :)

Interesting... I don't hear that at all. I just picked up an Ultra and to me it sounds like a Diezel VH4. Full bodied and thick, not screaming and upper mid-range heavy the way I think of a Soldano or hot-rodded Marshall. I play through a V30 so that might have something to do with it. I haven't heard a Soldano or Mr. Scary in person so take that with a grain of salt.

I'm planning on doing some new clips but my amp has a weird feedback problem I need to fix.
Here's an even better test result on the Mr. Scary. A friend who has one of those amps came over to check out the Randall......

I was going through the modules, then kicked on Mr. Scary without telling him and he had this reflex of looking around and asking where the Soldano was hiding. I guess it hits it pretty well.
Julia said:
Well, I went to GC to play a SLO today just for a sound check. The SLO through the Soldano cabinet sounded nothing like Mr. Scary. However we tried it through a Bogner 212 that had a V-30 and Greenback just like mine. It was very very close. The difference is the speakers. Mike uses Four Eminence Legend speakers. The tonal difference between the Celestions and Eminence is huge. The Eminence Legends have a much more "open" and "clear" sound.

So Mr. Scary's ability to sound like the SLO will depend on speakers it seems.

Tell me more about your experience with EMI speakers. I use V30s and swear by them but Im looking for a more "OPEN CLEAR" sound as you say. Something to X pattern with the V30s, something to compliment them!
I play low tuned 7s and it seems that the V30s have a hard time articulating the lower notes, some modules just plain out suck for 7 string work. What are your opinions?
TheHunter said:
Julia said:
Well, I went to GC to play a SLO today just for a sound check. The SLO through the Soldano cabinet sounded nothing like Mr. Scary. However we tried it through a Bogner 212 that had a V-30 and Greenback just like mine. It was very very close. The difference is the speakers. Mike uses Four Eminence Legend speakers. The tonal difference between the Celestions and Eminence is huge. The Eminence Legends have a much more "open" and "clear" sound.

So Mr. Scary's ability to sound like the SLO will depend on speakers it seems.

Tell me more about your experience with EMI speakers. I use V30s and swear by them but Im looking for a more "OPEN CLEAR" sound as you say. Something to X pattern with the V30s, something to compliment them!
I play low tuned 7s and it seems that the V30s have a hard time articulating the lower notes, some modules just plain out suck for 7 string work. What are your opinions?
Gonna go out on a limb here and say either the 75 watt or even 120 watt Legends. I have the 120 watters in my Vader, and haven't actually tried them with a really low tuning, but it's hard to get a muddy tone with them. Haven't combined speakers though, but it wouldn't hurt to try. They have a nice bottom to them (that the V30 would probably compliment) and a clear midrange.
Julia... speakers and cab surely matter a lot... as much as tubes, tranny and component grade.

My references to the Mr Scary Soldano likeness come from me owning a 1993 Soldano HR50... up to and including 1993 the HR series was made from the same parts inventory as the SLO. Eventhough the SLO is a better sounding amp IMHO that the HR50 I found them to be very very close... as compared in a A/B with a friends SLO.

I just want to clarify that I compared my HR50 to the Mr Scary with the Lynch Box cabs... I set dencity to a neutral point... one that matched the HR50's voice closely and went from there. I found that the dials interacted in a very close way to the Soldano and in fact the Soldano had a little more sparkle in the top end and the Mr Scary stayed a little more focused and razor sharp. Because of this the HR50 ended up sounding a little more open compared to the Mr Scary. What the Mr Scary did have was the added depth and complexity to the gain that the HR50 lacked a little. In many ways the HR50 sounded a little more RAW in comparison. I need to also clarify that the HR50 was running 6L6 BlackPlates and the LB was running the very 6L6 sounding ( for an EL34 ) JJ EL34L'. As a result the HR50 was more punchy and focused and the LB was more like a 6L6/El34 mixed tube sound... still a big EL34 wall of tone but the added punch made it a little more RUDE.

Overal I found the Mr Scary to sound even more like an SLO than the HR50... but only by a hair or two... LOL

I sold my HR50... Tommy Mac of Hedley owns it now.

I found i did not need it anymore as the Lynch Box and Koch give me all the tones i need... I don't regret it but maybe i should have kept it... now I want an SLO!!!

I never really clarified the details on my stements about the Mr Scary and Soldano likness so there you have it... TRUTH!

King - are you saying that pre '93 Hot Rods had DeYoung transformers like an SLO? That's total news to me... I owned a HR 50 channel switcher, and put it face to face with a 'real' SLO and while they had some similarities, the SLO sounded much much better. I do know that current HR's have Mercury Magnetics, which are great transformers, but they don't sound like the DeYoungs.

I still want one, but the SLO fx loop is a real piece of crap, and the cleans aren't the best. $2300+ is just too much IMHO to spend on a one trick pony, even if it's a great trick. I'm not saying the HR series or even the SL60s are 'bad' amps, but they aren't SLOs to me. Soldano has used that 'HAS THE GAIN CHANNEL FROM THE SLO!' on most of their products. I think a lot of it is that they are trying to capitalize on the legend of the SLO, so they use that in their marketing.

Also, to my ears, the Mr.Scary stock doesn't have enough gain to hang with an SLO. Just my opinion though. I'll be putting my money (or module, LOL) where my mouth is fairly soon on an SLO module.
