I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
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I just bought that Egnater Mod50 and a couple of modules (TV, SL2) off of Ebay at a ridiculous price. Ah well, win some, lose some. But I'm interested to see what all the hub bub is about on this amp. I want to A/B it with my Aiken Sabre to see what's what and then one of them will be set free. I'm sure I'll have lots of dumb questions for you guys in process, so just wanted to say hi :)
I'd rather overpay a bit for good/great gear than for crap stuff... :D
I saw somebody bought it. I paid $1800 for my MOD 50 and 3 modules, with footswitch on eBay a while back. I see you at least you got a cover with yours. Which modules did you snag? What did you finally get the empty head for? You can tell us, if ANYBODY understands it's us! :lol:

Oh and by the way I have a COD module for sale in the classified section of the forum. (Ouch hit 'em while he's down)

And I'm positive I speak for all the MOD 50 owners when I say ... you are not going to regret it.
I found a MOD 50, with cover and midi pedalboard for $1900. Still debating on whether or not to buy it. Still looking at the Mesa Roadster and waiting for the VHT Sig X to be released.
Do we know if the Randall modular amps compare to the Egnater mods? They are much cheaper!

I ask because I know people who have played and owned both the Egnater TOL and Rocktron TOL and noticed little to no difference. Mabe the same can be said for the Randall gear?
richedie said:
Do we know if the Randall modular amps compare to the Egnater mods? They are much cheaper!

I ask because I know people who have played and owned both the Egnater TOL and Rocktron TOL and noticed little to no difference. Mabe the same can be said for the Randall gear?
I think they are great sounding,I had an RM100 and ended up getting rid of it when the MOD50 came in.I have the RT250 with an M4 and love it.I don't think the Egnater blows the randall away but I think it is better sounding IMHO.
richedie said:
Do we know if the Randall modular amps compare to the Egnater mods? They are much cheaper!

Having owned both more Randall gear than I know what to do with (RM4, RM100, RM50, RM20) and am currently stockpiling more Egnater gear than I'll ever need, I would say that there is a difference, but the difference is subtle. The Egnater modules are generally a touch warmer, a touch thicker, a touch smoother than their Randall counterparts.

I notice it when switching between the Randall Blackface and Egnater Twin modules... the Blackface has more gain, but when pushed really hard it can get a bit harsh. The Twin maintains a smoother tone when pushed. I've also noticed differences in the Randall Plexi vs. Egnater SL as well... the SL has a more dynamic (less compressed) response.

How about the difference in the Randall RM head and the Egnater MOD head? Anyone compare those? There is more to the tone than just the preamp modules.
richedie said:
How about the difference in the Randall RM head and the Egnater MOD head? Anyone compare those? There is more to the tone than just the preamp modules.

True... that's harder for me to compare, since I haven't owned any of the Egnater heads/combos (and it's hard to compare the RM4 to the M4, since the preamp is only half of the story).

On the general topic, I'd rather pay too much for an amp that sounds good than get a deal on an amp that sounds like crap! :) Plus you avoid the wait for new gear (which varies, but in my past experience has been ~2 months). Congrats on scoring the MOD50 & modules.

It wasn't me who bought the MOD 50. I have a guy selling one for $1900 but not sure I should buy. I want to try the new VHT SIG X! Not out yet.

I wonder if you can get the MOD 50 with a black face rather than tweed.
Egnater amps are hand made one at a time by Bruce Egnater the designer of this concept, as are his modules. They are of top notch, second to none quality build and tone. I think they will compare very well to the Randall on all levels. :wink:

I totally agree with B, the sonic differences are subtle, but still there.
My overpriced Eganter Mod50 is in hand now. Can't wait to plug it in tonight.