Jaded Faith ODS - Clean Tones

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2013
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PRS with humbucker and split humbucker in all positions.

Gain is down at 1. These pups are pretty hot, but its still pretty clean and can break up when digging in.
webrthomson said:
Nice job - sounds very good, how do you find it with humbuckers?

Its the only way I find it :wink:

I have a Strat that I built last year, but every time I try to plug it in I get uninspired within 3.5 minutes and go back to my LP or PRS. I just don't really know what the hell to do with single coils.

I really should spend more time with it, but I love the array of tones I get with my humbucker guitars and stick to what I know.
nitrous12 said:
VitaminG said:
sounds great. Nice playing too

Thanks man.

You are an ODS fan, correct? How do you usually run yours?

I got it as a low/mid gain module but it really wasn't giving me the sound I was after for that with single coils. It is a great rhythm & lead module with humbuckers, but I was having trouble dialling in a sound that would work for both single coils & humbuckers. It was always one or the other.

I've been running mine clean lately. Gain on 1, volume around 3.5. Sounds great with single coils.

Not the module's fault but the problem with any clean module is the big volume difference when changing between single coils and the fairly hot humbuckers in most of my guitars. I've started running a clean boost when I use single coils, not to slam the amp but just to make up for the difference in pickup output. The singles still sound clean with the ODS & I like what the boost does to the tone. It has been working great.
Good call on the clean boosting. Long before it was the par de course for the metal crowd to take their hot humbuckers and slam the front end of their high gain amps even more, the intention of a clean boost was to help balance single coils with humbuckers. That and to assist in driving long runs of cables.