Jazz tone/Carlton/Ford

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
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I'm about to make the purchase soon , RM100 head with Randall MTS 2X12 cab with Vintage 30s.
Now, as far as modules, I'll probably going to buy the XTC or the Grail for gain, since some of my favorite gain tones are Lukather, Dann Huff, Rafael Moirera (he's the guy in the Rock Star show house band, running Bogners).
My question to you guys is for clean jazz tones and bluesy type breakups ala Robben Ford/Larry Carlton, would the Tweed be better than the Blackface? Still not sure which way to go as far as clean modules go. The store hasn't got the Blackface or the Tweed in yet, so I don't have a chance to test drive these babies yet.
Thanks in advance,
Egnater has a COD (California Overdrive) that is supposed to get those tones. For Randall - a Blackface with an Overdrive pedal (like the Zendrive if you can find one) would work.