Jazz tones?

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ricky said:
No offense taken, Mike. All I am saying is that the combination of a modeled amp and the Randall warming it up is an amazing thing! I have a Gibson amp as well as an old Vox, several Fenders, etc. It has been nice for me to have just one unit able to cover all of that. Most of the high gain modeled amps in either my GSP or my old Line6 were pretty close, but I couldn't even come close to older tube amps until I got the randall about 6 weeks ago. The combination is sometimes stunning. I am at lunch now, but can't wait to get home and try out the Gibson model.
BTW, When I play live, I do run everything through a Carvin tube pwr amp w/6L6's. So all the models do is add some different tone to all of the tube stuff.

Well, you know the old saying: Whatever works! :D

Good luck with the Gibson emulation and Randall!
Yep. And if you ever get those epiphone clips done, I would love to hear them. I am still going to get me one of those sacred groove mods. Thanks so much for your help.
ps I loved your stuff on your web site.