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crankyrayhanky said:

A quick plug & play example...starts off with mid boost, 2nd half is the mid cut I like on rhythms

Crappy playing, but recorded dry no fx/eq
Ribbon mic>11Rack>ProTools
It almost sounds like you have a Fernandes sustainer on your guitar!!! That note you held towards the beginning of the clip just kept singing and singing. Cool clip, Ray!!!
JKD said:
crankyrayhanky said:

A quick plug & play example...starts off with mid boost, 2nd half is the mid cut I like on rhythms

Crappy playing, but recorded dry no fx/eq
Ribbon mic>11Rack>ProTools

Is that clipping a lot on the recording...only reason I ask is coz the wave image looks like it was really amp'd up loudness wise...

Yes, there is digital distortion throughout the file with cracks and pops at the 30 second and 54 second marks.

As I advise everyone, you'll have superior recording results by having the signal level no higher than -10 db when it enters your DAW, especially if you're using a 48 point fixed program such as Pro Tools.
I've been on Roland VS forever, this was my first go at bringing a PT file to life. My cpu is totally outdated and my skills are newbie on this platform. I'll be reviewing my PT video tutorials to improve...I was just happy it made sound :D
crankyrayhanky said:
I've been on Roland VS forever, this was my first go at bringing a PT file to life. My cpu is totally outdated and my skills are newbie on this platform. I'll be reviewing my PT video tutorials to improve...I was just happy it made sound :D

Ray, just be sure to check your input levels. I'd suggest turning down your mic preamp at least 6db but if that's not possible, attenuate the signal in PT. Good luck!
update- the clip I used an SG. The rest of the day i turned to a EpiGothicLP7string, modified with new wiring and pots, BK Miracle Mans. This guitar through a clean boost>MarkX is a killer killer tone. This axe is darker than the archtop SG, really a great combination. I'll have some clips soon
crankyrayhanky said:
update- the clip I used an SG. The rest of the day i turned to a EpiGothicLP7string, modified with new wiring and pots, BK Miracle Mans. This guitar through a clean boost>MarkX is a killer killer tone. This axe is darker than the archtop SG, really a great combination. I'll have some clips soon


How about a clip with just the amp? No clean boost, no EQ, no tweaking. Just a clip of the guitar, amp, cabinet and microphone.

How about a clip with just the amp? No clean boost, no EQ, no tweaking. Just a clip of the guitar, amp, cabinet and microphone.

That's a reasonable request. I've become so addicted to my MW1 clean boost, I use it on everything. One day I took my Korg tuner pedal out of the chain to see if I could notice improvement-BOOM, tons of clarity and liveliness. I sort of saw the MW1 boost helping push the tone through my cables and pedals (used sparingly, but add them up and they're tone suckers).

A short cord right into the amp would be the best representation...MikeP, I admire you're ability to spend short amounts of time and whip out pro recordings/playing. It takes me forever to get to that point- all this module war and engineering, I go to record and feel like my chops are sloppy sloppy :x
crankyrayhanky said:
MikeP, I admire you're ability to spend short amounts of time and whip out pro recordings/playing.

Thanks for the kind words, Ray.

crankyrayhanky said:
It takes me forever to get to that point- all this module war and engineering, I go to record and feel like my chops are sloppy sloppy :x

Dude, We ALL feel that way! :)

Without sounding pompous, I've been playing guitar since I was four years old and every stinkin' time that I pick up the guitar after not touching it for three weeks at a time (sometimes more), I feel like I have lead in my hands and ears!

One procedure that has helped me immensely is to document every track I cut. In Nuendo and Cubase (and I'm sure in other DAW's as well), there is a note section. I notate the guitar used, the module, the exact module settings and anything else of note (I used an old DynaComp for some funk tracks recently and notated the settings in Nuendo).

I also note the mic, mic distance, preamp settings, etc. (although these haven't changed in more nearly a year). That way, I have "Total Recall". If I later hear a track and say "Wow, I really dig those tones!", I can easily replicate the sound for further tracks.

Additionally, it allows me to create without thinking. So, if my ears or playing or whatever are "off" on a certain day, I have documented notes (and proof) that whatever I'm doing, works. We all have "off" days, but if we learn to trust ourselves with proven methods, it's easier to push through those days and at least get a little work accomplished.

I hope this helps and best of luck!