Jubilee Tone

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Dec 5, 2012
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Hello everyone! I'm new, first post, and I'm hoping to have some options here...

I've got 2 RM50 combos, one of which I've been using in a "stereo" configuration with my Marshall Jubilee 2553 (the smaller all tube brother of the 2550). I'm ready to transition into an MTS only rig, but have had difficulty finding the 2553 tone in anything else. To save a few minutes here, I dig the dirty channel "slash tone", but the tone I really prefer is the clean channel with the input gain knob pulled out and gain added there. It has a very John Frusciante sound, yet another big user of the Jube. I know Egnater had the SL2X that I think was designed after this amp, but anyone know what else comes close? I've contacted Bruce to inquire with him about purchasing an SL2X hopefully with a channel switch added on the face, but I'm also curious if I could get this tone with single channel modules? Anyone familiar enough with the Jubilee and MTS modules enough to know?

Thanks in advance.
CooleMusic said:
Hello everyone! I'm new, first post, and I'm hoping to have some options here...

I've got 2 RM50 combos, one of which I've been using in a "stereo" configuration with my Marshall Jubilee 2553 (the smaller all tube brother of the 2550). I'm ready to transition into an MTS only rig, but have had difficulty finding the 2553 tone in anything else. To save a few minutes here, I dig the dirty channel "slash tone", but the tone I really prefer is the clean channel with the input gain knob pulled out and gain added there. It has a very John Frusciante sound, yet another big user of the Jube. I know Egnater had the SL2X that I think was designed after this amp, but anyone know what else comes close? I've contacted Bruce to inquire with him about purchasing an SL2X hopefully with a channel switch added on the face, but I'm also curious if I could get this tone with single channel modules? Anyone familiar enough with the Jubilee and MTS modules enough to know?

Thanks in advance.

Hey Dude - welcome good to have your here!

I've got a SLx2 and that is one bad boy module, both channels are pretty raucous! Channel B is pure AFD tone so if you get one of them that should cover you GNR style Jubilee tone in spades. I'm not familiar with the cleaner channel that you use to get the Frusciante sounds well enough to tell you if it's in the A channel but you can back the gain off for much cleaner sounds on it no bother. The new Dual modules that Bruce is selling all have the channel switch for the Randall amps and they run about $385, so not that cheap but you do get two distinct sounds out of it, and they do sound very authentic IMHO.

In terms of single channel modules it would be worth looking at the following for the "Slash tone":

  • Stock SL+ - pretty good, I believe there are two versions, the early one and a later one which is more like a hot rodded JCM 800. I've got an early one and it's great - pure Marshall mayhem :)
    JF 1959RR Custom - more Marshall mayhem
    JF Brahma #39 - moddeled on the SIR caswell #39 modded Marshall that was used to record AFD - I'm guessing this is the one you want?
    Salvation Mash-all+ - all the Marshall classics in one box
    Salvation Mash-oldano - Marshall meets Soldano type tones
    SG MK22 - not too sure about this one but it gets very good word of mouth and again its Marshall dirty to the core

Worth checking out Voodoo as well as Trace and his guys to some stunning work too!

On the boosted clean Frusciante side I'd have a look at the following:

  • JF Texas Special
    Salvation Loneclean
    Salvation Twinface

Or maybe some of the lower gain modules:

  • Stock Plexi
    JF PLexiTweed
    Salvation Duoplex

JF is here http://www.jadedfaithmods.com/Home_Page.html
Savlation is here http://www.jadedfaithmods.com/Home_Page.html
Not sure about Sacred Grove - Guys anyone know?
Voodoo are here http://www.voodooamps.com/home/default.aspx

Hope some of that helps :)
Thanks, I appreciate that! After reading for hours and listening to sound clips I think you're right. I like JF's 1959RR Platinum and I see that it comes very close. I also see where I should prob just reach out to Rob and talk to him too, as he addressed this directly in another thread, so clearly he is familiar. I really like the Texas Special, PlexiTweed, and really like the Vybe Deluxe too. You're also right about the SL2X being pricey, at about twice the price of a single channel, it would have to do both well. I could almost buy two modules to do the job at that price, but by the time I factor in cost for the modules to send to Rob thats probably no longer true. I guess there are a million ways to look at it...

I'm reading alot about a Milligan AFD mod also that sounds interesting, but I can't find where to look into that one. I also can't tell if that is a modified amp or an actual MTS module, but it sounds great!

It looks like this is just the beginning, but at least I know where to start. Thanks again!
No problem - hope some of that helped - the choice is sometimes pretty staggering, not that is a bad thing, except for the wallet!

When I get stuck I normally try and narrow it down to which modder I think can do it for me and then email or call. Generally once you can narrow it to an amp then they can tell you what one to go for.

I think that the 59RR sounds good given your wish to approximate the jubilee amp - call Rob at Jaded Faith and he will keep you right.

As with all the modders he us a cool dude (same goes for all the rest too)!

Once you get it we will want to hear all about it, of course!
I emailed Rob now too and I'm pretty sure that is the one of the first directions I'll go. Thanks again for your help I will update as I upgrade!
I owned a 2555SL - sounded Gain"E"er & Meaner than a JCM800

but didn't do Welcome 2 the Jungle tones without alot of "outboard"
help - IMHO

my 2 cents
That's because the Jubilee wasn't the SIR #39 which AFD was recorded with

If Coole is going for a Jubilee tone, getting a #39 modification wil NOT do it
Yes, I've now clearly distinguished the two and what I like about each. I prefer the Jubilee clean channel with the rhythm clip section added. Slash had a great tone and its fun to play with, but the#39 AFD tone is secondary to the Jubilee in this particular search.

I've been in contact with Rob and I think he will be able to nail my tone, and I think I will be very happy with the result. Thanks to all!
I certainly wouldn't kick a Frusciante tribute mod out of bed. Call it the BloodSugar -- a funky clean base tone with a Sex switch to bring in some dirt and a Magik switch for a mid boost. :D
For the RHCP stuff, I'd got with a JF Plexi Tweed. That's what I did.

For Jubilee tone I'd go with an Egnater SL2X.
I'm reading alot about a Milligan AFD mod also that sounds interesting, but I can't find where to look into that one. I also can't tell if that is a modified amp or an actual MTS module, but it sounds great!

You are probably thinking of the Hilligan (Jeff Hilligan) AFD mod. He worked for Egnater and designed the SL2X. The SL2X is the Hilligan AFD mod.

I just sold mine, it was great but not 100% slash AFD as advertised. It is essentially a boosted/brighter JCM800 and isn't for AFD purists IMO. It was more like 90% of the tone.

If you want 100% AFD, go with the Brahma #39. Use Alnico II humbuckers and put EL34s in your amp. That is my advice at least :)