Just a few tips for you guys

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Just a few random tips to hopefully keep you and your modules alive when some of you guys get the wild hair to take a soldering iron to them...

1) You can use a resistor that is higher wattage rated or the same. Don't EVER use a smaller one. Ever.

2) Don't use any capactitors that are under 400v. There are a few places you can get away with a lower value, but if you're in doubt, go with at least 400v. This is ESPECIALLY true on the C3/bass mods! You do not want a cap blowing up in your module, can make a horrible mess.

3) Be careful when removing parts. If you decide to get into a battle of strength with your module, you will win and the module/part can break/lose. Take your time. I use my bare hand to remove parts - if it gets too hot for me to touch at all, it's probably getting too hot for the board too.

4) Don't ever do any amp or guitar modification just before a gig or recording session. You'll rush the work and screw something up. Trust me on this.

Thanks Pete.

Don't lick the soldering iron tip, even though it tastes like butterscotch.
"Ralphie, honey, don't lick the soldering iron."

"Oow! I burned myself on daddy's fixing stick!"
+1 on the soldering iron and strength tips. I wish I'd read this before I tried my first mod on my ADA MP1. I was modding it a couple of months ago - ended up destroying the tube board, and had to order a replacement that cost me as much as a new preamp :oops:

Now, I've got an RM4 with a few modules on the way, and I am probably gonna start looking to mod them pretty soon...Gonna be VERY careful this time! :wink:
Lol...I actually did something equally stupid once. I was so engrossed looking at the PCB that I stretched out my hand to pick up the soldering iron. And what did I grab? The wrong end of the soldering iron - ouch!

But anyway, lesson learn. My soldering skills have definitely improved!