Just had a set of Cryoset Tung Sol 6550's land

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
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I am looking forward to putting these in the 2 & 3 spot of the RM100KH I just picked up along with Ruby 6550STR's in 1 & 4. I really like the JJ 6L6's and EL34L's that are in there but prefer the way the Ruby's sound in my RM50. Tomorrow night will be the time.

I was surprised how much clearer a 5751 sounded in the PI of the RM100 and RM50 after I swapped out the JJ's that were in there. I want to try some other 12AX7's in the V1 spot of the amp too. I have a Tung Sol, Ruby HG+, and several other JJ's, EHX, and other Chinese tubes to try. Any thoughts on what might work best?

Rock on.
Tung Sol in V1 or the Ruby 12AX7AC5HG+ works well there too.

As far as the 6550s go you're gonna have enormous headroom. The power section will stay clean until very very loud. For my application that's great. For some other people, not so great. The upside is that these tubes are pretty durable.
Julia said:
Tung Sol in V1 or the Ruby 12AX7AC5HG+ works well there too.

As far as the 6550s go you're gonna have enormous headroom. The power section will stay clean until very very loud. For my application that's great. For some other people, not so great. The upside is that these tubes are pretty durable.

I figure that most of the gain comes from the preamp modules anyway and I would almost never be able to push the amp into power amp distortion anyway.

I keep the master at about 3:00 so I have that section cooking already. I have read from a couple sources that these amps sound better with the master pushed and then controlling the volume with the module levels and have found so far that this is the case with me too.

Are that those tubes that have been cooled to minus-whatever degrees

If that's the case, I have a few packs of d'Addario strings that have been coated in snakeoil
you might be interrested in

just a few $ more than a regular set

Out of 4 samples (yeah I know, big deal)....the 3 pairs of Cryoset Gold Lion KT88s sounded 'better' than the one non-cryo....dunno if that's more than coincidence or that I'm a believer....I just really liked the tone of the cryo ones I got from a given vendor.
Nightdare said:

Are that those tubes that have been cooled to minus-whatever degrees

If that's the case, I have a few packs of d'Addario strings that have been coated in snakeoil
you might be interrested in

just a few $ more than a regular set


I agree with you on that assessment. I bought them from someone (that I trust) who only used them for a few hours. I paid way less than half price for them so as long as they fire up, I won't be able to complain.
Or this....


I really can't tell the difference. Maybe the earvana on the D and G chords sounds a bit "smoother". But I seriously doubt anything will address intonation as well as the "true temper" system which looks like a bad acid trip on the fretboard.

Who knows with tubes? Maybe those electrons get a little more coolness added to them. But maybe they're so cool we don't notice? Let us know.
Julia said:
But I seriously doubt anything will address intonation as well as the "true temper" system which looks like a bad acid trip on the fretboard.

apart from bad acid, what does this do to your bends?
I'm sure you'd just adjust the amount you bend a note. Just like you do when you've go from a trem equipped Strat to a stoptail Gibby. So the net effect on your bending would be none. Yet the open chords and barre chords and notes up the board would be correctly intonated, and would work better than the Buzz Feiten system, and be more noticable than the Earvana.

True temper =! snake oil

But honestly I'm not too concerned. As far as I'm concerned Equal Temperament tuning sucks. I absolutely hate it. With a passion.
I purchased more than $300 worth of tubes from Cryoset, and all went microphonic within a few weeks, I was pissed.

TAD 6l6STR's
EH 6CA7's
Tung-Sol 12AX7's
JJ 12AX7's
8th gens
EH 12AT7's

All the Tung-Sols went 1st, then other preamp tubes, then power tubes started to make noise... :evil:

I only buy tubes from Doug's, I have not had any problems since. :)

Anyways, just the experience I had with them, I hope you have better luck.

I usually use Doug too. I did have a TS 12AX7 give up after two hours that I got from him a few weeks ago. I liked it so I ordered another one but haven't really put any time on it yet.

I bought the Cryo 6550's second hand at a great price so I am not all that concerned if they go. I hope they don't though because they sound pretty good.