Lobstah Shreddah
Oh Charlie Murphy I can't belive this! So, I'm gonna share it. I have a new Lynch Box and I was trying a new Boss DD-3 Digital Delay through both effect loops. To be blunt - the both loop sounds like hell. The effect I did get was very muffled and very distorted using both the Blackface and XTC modules. One loop didn't seem any better than the other and I was expecting a better fit using the Series Loop. I tried adjusting the pedal settings and the Effects knob on front of the amp and I could not get an improvement. I finally just went old school and ran it through the front and it was crystal clear and fine. Weeks ago, I made a comment on someone's topic about running pedals through the effects loop. I was told by Randall Tech support that the effects loops were designed for rack mounted effects and pedals should be run through the front. I expected a slight differance between the two - but not this! It's almost so bad that I wonder if there is something wrong with my effects loop. It kinda sounds like someone is breathing heavy along with the effect - thats the best way I know how to describe it.