mark series 6 way mod

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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My pal Ray Hankinson wanted a three way switch on his mark series module. No problem, but I wanted to give him a little more flexibility. So... I came up with the Six Way Ray Mod. :)

There is a three way switch for voicing, AND a push pull. the Push pull affects the tone also, so you get 3x2 = 6 voicing modes. And it keeps the two originals (pulled out and center, and pulled out and up are stock).

So... 6 way madness. Here's a clip from a camcorder... of course it sounds better in person, but you can hear the mesa grind on the clip and also the differences in tone. It can be subtle on the push pull, but one setting accentuates upper harmonics and the other is a slightly deeper one.

Ray, after it gets totally burned in it is headed out, thanks for your patience.

That sounds really great even on your cam. I think I like the switch in the center and the master pushed in as my favorite setting you played with, has that scooped crunch yummy... :mrgreen:

great work!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

It was awesome before, this will be over the top greatness...
Thank you Sensei!
LOL...that's insane...there are about a million variations in tone with just 3-ways and the tone x2 :twisted:
thanks guys. If you dig scoop, that was with the mids at half and I didn't dime the gain either. with the mids cut and some of the settings there's enough scoopage to outscoop any scoop on a scooped graphic EQ on a scooped mesa boogie. :D *cough* scoop.
I just love how I can nail almost all of Metallica's tones in one module :D
Wow, that's what I'm talkin' about right there!

Pete, ya ready for my Ultra Lead yet? :D :D :D
sounds incredible. i have the ultra lead, just need the money for the mod. won't be for a while though. after my experience with the 1087, i know that i will love this mod. can't wait to hear more.
I've had the Mark for a bit now, very impressive....the lead tones are especially inspiring. So many options, so much to tweak....I'll get a clip up soon
I love these..'only' have the 3-way but the tone from 'em is just so musical.
I'm the current owner of Ray's original 6 way module and it is amazing. However, it may be on the block soon so someone else may get a chance to experience Mark heaven :) :(
:lol: No money printer...Just keep unloading more of my old amp gear and Craigslist has produced some nice buyers as of late...Believe me, almost dry but all IN with MTS...I'm certain that this is the tonal road I'll be on for the next decade or more...I think I have some of the best of everything and my studio directly benefits as well- although it's mainly private....Unless I get a few unexpected ASCAP payouts I'm down to having a full 12 modules that I am into and have tried many of the rest...It's trade or nothing for me now...Unless a real steal comes along....: :twisted: Pete mods are among those I now desire...I have a couple, but you know how that goes...And I can't believe I sold my 1087....GAS GAS GAS....

Can't wait to get this full on Mark Series beast back from Pete! That is, if he's even received the donor module yet :) I tend to get ahead of myself.... :D

Edited to add:
I apparently use far too many of those emoticons...How dorky....I apologize....
mfshockey said:
I'm the current owner of Ray's original 6 way module and it is amazing. However, it may be on the block soon so someone else may get a chance to experience Mark heaven :) :(

****, I wish I wasn't strapped for cash, I'd buy it back in a heartbeat!
Mattfig said:
Can't wait to get this full on Mark Series beast back from Pete! That is, if he's even received the donor module yet :) I tend to get ahead of myself.... :D
He should have it now because it was due there on 8/19. Have you checked with him?
So are Ultra Leads are the only modules these can be birthed from still?

Really want one, but only have an XTC and modern to sacrifice atm :(