MattFig custom mods

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Daryl said:
BTW congratulations on 1000 posts Mr. Fig. :D

:lol: :lol:
m0jo said:
I like the idea you have going there.

But it could potentially get very complicated.. if two mods touch the same part of the circuit.
It would mean that one modder would have to dig through or possibly discect the other's mod to get in there..
I don't mean to be a partypooper :) just pointing it out. ;)

Hmmm...Good point....Got any suggestions to get around that problem? Perhaps each modder will work on a specified section?
it's an interesting idea.. but I think in a practical sense it would be rather awkward. When doing a serious mod to a module the whole circuit is considered; design decisions are made for one part of a circuit based on what is being done to another part of the circuit. If each of the mod elements are done in isolation... it's just a random mod, and the probability of the outcome sounding good is low IMO.

Possibly, it would need to be more like a game of scrabble , when modder one does one thing, modder two examines what modder one has done, and has to put in something that works with mod one... and so one, once it get to the last modder he need's to tie the whole thing together and have it sound good without changing any of the previous mods...
eedude said:
it's an interesting idea.. but I think in a practical sense it would be rather awkward. When doing a serious mod to a module the whole circuit is considered; design decisions are made for one part of a circuit based on what is being done to another part of the circuit. If each of the mod elements are done in isolation... it's just a random mod, and the probability of the outcome sounding good is low IMO.

Possibly, it would need to be more like a game of scrabble , when modder one does one thing, modder two examines what modder one has done, and has to put in something that works with mod one... and so one, once it get to the last modder he need's to tie the whole thing together and have it sound good without changing any of the previous mods...
This is exactly what I mean.

For instance: a modder would change the gain character and the voicing of the module.
Without the voicing change to accomodate it the new gain character might sound pretty crappy.
Perhaps this:
Decide on the tone goal of the mod. For example...The ultimate Tweed tone.
Grab a handful of stock Tweed modules and send one to each mod guy.
When you get them all back, do a shoot out and make notes on what you like/dislike about each.
Then give all of the mods to Scott along with one stock Tweed and have him try to incorporate the best of all worlds.
Then sell all of the other modules and get most of your money back.
audiomidijace said:
Perhaps this:
Decide on the tone goal of the mod. For example...The ultimate Tweed tone.
Grab a handful of stock Tweed modules and send one to each mod guy.
When you get them all back, do a shoot out and make notes on what you like/dislike about each.
Then give all of the mods to Scott along with one stock Tweed and have him try to incorporate the best of all worlds.
Then sell all of the other modules and get most of your money back.
Seems like a good deal for the buyer, not so much the modders (except for Scott)
I don't see how this is bad for the modders. They all would have worked on & gotten paid for a mod. By my calculations that is 4 or 5 mods. I suppose one could argue then that they wouldn't get another mod job from person "B" as they would have bought the flipped modded module. But that already happens (see Mattfig :lol: ), so I don't see how it would cut into their business.

Maybe it could be bad for modder loyalty. However you could do this in a different order. Send 3 or 4 mods out to the other modders, then have Salvation, or Voodoo, or whoever the "odd modder out" is to incorporate the best of all 3 or 4. Who's to say you have to use a 4th or 5th modder to incorporate all the good. If Voodoo is your modder of choice, he certainly could be one of the original 3 or 4, then he could be the modder who incorporates all the good from the modded modules.

The downside I see is the initial hit you would take to get to this.
* 5 modules at $100 = $500
* 4 mods at $200 = $800
* 1 all glorious mod at $200
Total spent to get to that one modded module is $1,500.

Disclaimer: I have not had any modules modded, so the price for a custom mod I maybe under pricing or may be overpricing. It is a general estimate based on what the modules are flipping for on this site. Please do not take my estimate as fact.
Hamner1 said:
I don't see how this is bad for the modders. They all would have worked on & gotten paid for a mod. By my calculations that is 4 or 5 mods. I suppose one could argue then that they wouldn't get another mod job from person "B" as they would have bought the flipped modded module. But that already happens (see Mattfig :lol: ), so I don't see how it would cut into their business.

Maybe it could be bad for modder loyalty. However you could do this in a different order. Send 3 or 4 mods out to the other modders, then have Salvation, or Voodoo, or whoever the "odd modder out" is to incorporate the best of all 3 or 4. Who's to say you have to use a 4th or 5th modder to incorporate all the good. If Voodoo is your modder of choice, he certainly could be one of the original 3 or 4, then he could be the modder who incorporates all the good from the modded modules.

The downside I see is the initial hit you would take to get to this.
* 5 modules at $100 = $500
* 4 mods at $200 = $800
* 1 all glorious mod at $200
Total spent to get to that one modded module is $1,500.
There's still the thing that the whole circuit is one thing, it's not really like a pre- and poweramp where you can adapt and screw around with them seperately, it all fits together. Hell, even the pre and poweramp work together, some combo's sound great, some don't.

Hey you have to do what you want, definitly. ;) Don't let a whiner like me stop you.
But I feel there are a lot of practical downers on this.

Personally I don't want a mix mod, I'd want one modder to have his personal freedom in working on the whole thing.
Because, probably Trace knows about the technique's Anthony is using, but chooses not to use them because other techniques are more to his taste.
Why would he then in this situation suddenly use Anthony's technique's? (just working with your example here, any random modders can be implied)

In my opinion the best result is when someone works either on his own in true freedom, or in a team.
But this is not a team.. in my mind this is more of a "commitee" type thing, and nothing truly good ever comes out of those! :roll:

By the way, on the calculation:
It's not $1500 for one module, it's $1500 for 5 modules, of which one "god-module".
Sell on the other ones for going prices and you're not even that bad off.
It is a big investment though, you will take quite a hit in the beginning..
m0jo said:
Hey you have to do what you want, definitly. ;) Don't let a whiner like me stop you.
But I feel there are a lot of practical downers on this.

Personally I don't want a mix mod, I'd want one modder to have his personal freedom in working on the whole thing.
Because, probably Trace knows about the technique's Anthony is using, but chooses not to use them because other techniques are more to his taste.
Why would he then in this situation suddenly use Anthony's technique's? (just working with your example here, any random modders can be implied)

In my opinion the best result is when someone works either on his own in true freedom, or in a team.
But this is not a team.. in my mind this is more of a "commitee" type thing, and nothing truly good ever comes out of those! :roll:

By the way, on the calculation:
It's not $1500 for one module, it's $1500 for 5 modules, of which one "god-module".
Sell on the other ones for going prices and you're not even that bad off.
It is a big investment though, you will take quite a hit in the beginning..

I definately get where your coming from. I was taking the angle of it wouldn't neccessarily hurt business for any one modder. Regarding committees, nobody is really happy, but nobody is really upset. I think that means this translates to an average mod. :lol:
From the initial hit/up front cost I don't see this catching on.
Hamner1 said:
m0jo said:
Hey you have to do what you want, definitly. ;) Don't let a whiner like me stop you.
But I feel there are a lot of practical downers on this.

Personally I don't want a mix mod, I'd want one modder to have his personal freedom in working on the whole thing.
Because, probably Trace knows about the technique's Anthony is using, but chooses not to use them because other techniques are more to his taste.
Why would he then in this situation suddenly use Anthony's technique's? (just working with your example here, any random modders can be implied)

In my opinion the best result is when someone works either on his own in true freedom, or in a team.
But this is not a team.. in my mind this is more of a "commitee" type thing, and nothing truly good ever comes out of those! :roll:

By the way, on the calculation:
It's not $1500 for one module, it's $1500 for 5 modules, of which one "god-module".
Sell on the other ones for going prices and you're not even that bad off.
It is a big investment though, you will take quite a hit in the beginning..

I definately get where your coming from. I was taking the angle of it wouldn't neccessarily hurt business for any one modder. Regarding committees, nobody is really happy, but nobody is really upset. I think that means this translates to an average mod. :lol:
From the initial hit/up front cost I don't see this catching on.
Yeah, investing 1500 bucks in an "average mod" hehe, that sounds like something Fig would do! :lol:
(kidding of course, you have insane gear fig, it slaps mine sideways ;) )

I just think the whole idea is a good "what if" idea, but practically not viable.
If you want some more of those, I can copy paste 400 e-mails from me to Anthony here with crazy idea's ;)
Like creating a poweramp module.. nice idea.. also ridiculous. ;)
Well, it was an idea...I guess a very impractical one...I'm certainly not willing to sink bucks like that into this venture either...That's insane... :lol:

Too many variables for me to coordinate anyway...
