Michael Wagener's Rack of MTS DOOM

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Check it out folks...


Modesty forbids me from drawing your attention to RM4 #3 and #4 or the three gigmodded modules there. :) Modules I modded were used to reamp guitars on the latest Crooked X record. When I asked Michael for a rig shot for my website, he sent the pic above and let me know he's especially digging the XTC and SL+ I modded for him.

He's an amazing icon in the music industry that was involved with recording some of the music I grew up with from the 80s up to the present day. A guy like him could use any gear under the sun he wanted. The fact he chooses to use some of my modules is freakin' awesome.

Congrats Pete. Modules look great in that context.

For those with extreme GAS, remember that Michael Wagener also loves the RM20 combo and uses it all the time on, like, real records and stuff.
Thats fantastic that you have earned a place in history with your hard work.
As CD's that are created with this gear your work will be remembered long after the polish of the rack RM4s have faded (think ADA-MP1)
We are very lucky to have you around.
PhiloBeddoe said:
For those with extreme GAS, remember that Michael Wagener also loves the RM20 combo and uses it all the time on, like, real records and stuff.

Great, now I need a stack of rm4s and an rm20 :shock:
Pete deserves all the praise he gets. The mods he did on my XTC, Blackface, and Mr. Scary completely blew me away!!!

I had VooDoo labs mod my Marshall JMP-1 and it sound better, but not near the tonal improvement I was expecting. Pete's mods exceed my expatiation!!

I liked the Randall MTS stuff, you have great tone and amazing versatility.

Add Pete's mods to the mix and you will be in tone heaven.
Man, Michael's picked up a few even since I worked with him last year. At that point he only had two RM4's!