modding the mids on module

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
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so i have this idea...

it seems that c14 runs the voicing of the mids in the given module... idea is get a mini pot that replaces the c14, thus giving you a sweepable mid frequency.

does that seem logical?

of course id have to figure out the value of the resistor that couples to the pot and wether or not it needs to run to c15 as well so you can sweep from say your low mids to high mids...

goin mesa/peavey/marshall in one knob.

make sense?
SO basically a contour knob that goes both ways from the noon position? I'd imagine it would work, as I've kinda thought that would be awesome on on a module. You would probably have to use a trimpot to get everything to work right, or use a dual concentric mid knob.
yeah kinda like a contour knob...

its like an old rocktron pirahna preamp i had...or kranks....loved having the mid sweep as an option as that feature ALONE can make your amp so completely different with just a twist..low darky rumbly mesa-ish mids or high grindy peavey influenced mids...

i would try and find a mini pot and sure they are around ive seen them before..itll just be a much smaller knob on the faceplate.

or use a dual concentric, that would save chopping up the faceplate and keep it less crowded.

heres my artist rendition
could you set it up like people do with the c3 bass switch?

Have a 3 way switch toggling three caps.

one less mids, one original mids, and one more mids?
not sure what the 3 cap values would be.

i think this would be easier to install than a pot.
yea but i could just do the XL mod on the switch would would be "more" mids....

having 3 selectable toggle settings defeats the purpose...they will be 3 fixed frequencies...

im wanting SWEEPABLE choices....

im sure you could do a 3 way some how....thats what c14/c15 are on the board and the spot for the 2nd switch...its the 2 different mid voicings and where the switch is found on a 1086.
Do variable caps even EXIST?
I know variable resistors do..but caps..i duno..maybe I should read more..
GtrGeorge! said:
Do variable caps even EXIST?
I know variable resistors do..but caps..i duno..maybe I should read more..

Yep, but again I don't know if anyone has tinkered with the idea yet;
none of their values top out at a high enough rating....

that would be sweet though.
paintkilz said:
none of their values top out at a high enough rating....

that would be sweet though.

I wish I had the time to delve into seeing if it were possible rather than wasting everyone's time hypothesizing here. (its a curse I have, wasting people's time that is) :oops:

The trimmer (variable) capacitor is often placed in parallel with another capacitor so that the equivalent capacitance can be varied by turning the control slightly. The caps I showed are not really designed for continuous duty, but there are some which are, (radio tuning circutry)

I'm almost certain if it were possible, it would have already been done but I felt compelled to ask since the topic was presented.

the ones at the top seem like they might be the ticket...but i dont have 20 bux at the moment to just throw at it to try..
Well if you do try you will have to let us know how well it works! I am tempted to try it out know, but like you I am strapped for cash after another project and a couple of trips....

Maybe we send the idea to randall since they have been slow to come out with anything new in awhile....