Modern module?

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Dec 7, 2012
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I bought a module on a whim as a possible donor for mods. It says Modern on it but I can't find anything online about it. Does anyone have this or have any experience with the modern module? Does anyone know if this module is made to copy anything in particular? How does it sound? I would appreciate any help before it gets here in the mail.
I have had a couple. It isnt really a Recto. Think of a Recto without any fizz or rasp to it. Very focused mids with a ton of tight bass. It is one of my favorite stockers and would love to have another someday.
I remember Randall had it marketed as a high gain Vox tone but it sounds nothing like a vox.
GuitarGod87 said:
I think it's suppose to be a Rectifier. I'm not 100% sure. I know the Rectifiers were called something else before Treadplate.
They were called Rectified. My favorite of the Recto modules.
the Modern is Randall's taken on modern high gain. AFAIK it's not intended to replicated another amplifier.

the Treadplate superseded the Recto module
thanks for the info...does the modern do leads well? ...unlike anything that has anything to do with a
Is the modern more like an ultra?
Kind of a strange pairing,but yeah,a high gain vox......I liked it....was able to get a good tone out of it....fairly articulate as well.....had a modded one that was great...had a plain blue faceplate....sounded alot like teh Salvation Angel I had when I A/B'd them,which was why I sold the Angel.....but like most into mts,I traded it
Man, I loved my Gigmods Modern. I don't remember who I sold it to, but whoever has it now has a great module. Oddly, one of my favorites.

Where are you Modern?
drewiv said:
Man, I loved my Gigmods Modern. I don't remember who I sold it to, but whoever has it now has a great module. Oddly, one of my favorites.

Where are you Modern?
Man I really dug the look of that one! You definitely had some cool ones through the years Drew. Kinda funny how some liked the Modern because when I first got into the forum it was one of the most disliked. Wish I still had one. :cry:
Well I can always build you one! No need to hunt a stock one down at all. Same for any module. We can do it as a $100 Base Mod and convert almost any module into another.
BigBrewtus said:
Kinda funny how some liked the Modern because when I first got into the forum it was one of the most disliked. Wish I still had one. :cry:

I knew very little about it and only picked mine up because I found it locally for $50. For that price, it made for a perfect donor if I didn't like it. Fortunately for it (and my wallet) I do like it. After messing around with it one practice, I think it's too heavy for anything in our setlist but the drummer is desperate to find somewhere to use it :lol:

A quick search of the forum revealed some positive discussion about the Modern. In one from around '08, a few were calling it an ideal lead module.
Jaded Faith said:
Well I can always build you one! No need to hunt a stock one down at all. Same for any module. We can do it as a $100 Base Mod and convert almost any module into another.

Man, I wish I still had the Gigmods modded one. I don't know what Pete did inside there, but it screamed. Seemed to be nothing like the stock version, which I didn't really care for much.
That is a way cool faceplate. Was it just a design based on the knobs or a zakk w kinda thing?
Oregon said:
That is a way cool faceplate. Was it just a design based on the knobs or a zakk w kinda thing?

To me it defintely had a Rhoads/Wylde thing going on; at least that's where I dialed it in to be. It was a cool module. It's floating around here somewhere.