Mods i'd like to see...

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A few that always get mentioned in this kind of thread:

1. solid state Dime module
2. Cornford
3. Mk II c+
4. Uberschall
5. Fireball
6. 5150

One of the guitarist in my band has a Fireball and to be honest my moddified Ultra sounds a lot like it. A lot. Maybe its just the way he has his tone settings I don;t know but they do sound alike.
MILS :lol:

2 Ty Tabor signature modules: one based on his early tone, and one based on his Dogman tone. If Randall wanted to throw other modules into the mix, I'd be fine with that, too. :wink:
6stringgrind said:
MILS :lol:

2 Ty Tabor signature modules: one based on his early tone, and one based on his Dogman tone. If Randall wanted to throw other modules into the mix, I'd be fine with that, too. :wink:

Are you saying you can't get these tones (or close enough) with a Top Boost and a Recto :?: :?: :?:
In my opinion you cant get crap of tone out of the Treadplate... I have one to sell if anyone wants it, its brand new, used maybe 5or6 times period, taken out of my house once
JKD said:
6stringgrind said:
MILS :lol:

2 Ty Tabor signature modules: one based on his early tone, and one based on his Dogman tone. If Randall wanted to throw other modules into the mix, I'd be fine with that, too. :wink:

Are you saying you can't get these tones (or close enough) with a Top Boost and a Recto :?: :?: :?:

Hey, don't rain on my parade! :evil:

just out of curiosity i put a 0.0047 cap in c3 of my ultra xl and it is dead on 5150 but with more low end in the gain making the overall sound thicker and fuller overall. probably the only module i've ever liked with the 47 cap in it. it didn't seem to lose any of its tightness it just got better bass and a thicker fuller sound. after tons of chasing its the closest i can get to the 5150 and for me its working out nicely :twisted:
i'd say it has more. definetly not less. i don't think anything has more gain than the ultra xl
see my 5150 I always had the gain on about 4, maybe 5 depending on the guitar i was playing... but with the Ultra XL I am running it at about 3-4 o'clock...
If randall could make a module with the sound of the Tool or Staind tones, I'd never own anything else. The main problem with the Mts series in my opinion is there just isnt enough gain to a module. The closest i've gotten to a standard hard rock rhythm is my Modern which I've had to mod a couple times. Im thinking about trying the 1086 because it has a gain boost. Still love my rm100 to death, but especially at low volumes or boosting leads, it really lacks where H&K and Diezel excel.
Hyndra said:
If randall could make a module with the sound of the Tool or Staind tones, I'd never own anything else. The main problem with the Mts series in my opinion is there just isnt enough gain to a module. The closest i've gotten to a standard hard rock rhythm is my Modern which I've had to mod a couple times. Im thinking about trying the 1086 because it has a gain boost. Still love my rm100 to death, but especially at low volumes or boosting leads, it really lacks where H&K and Diezel excel.

The gain boost on the 1086 just switches the gain up to SL+ or MrScary (other hi gainers). It's not really anymore from what I could tell. When the switch is off it goes down to Plexi gain range. Although, the 1086 can be used for low-mid gain, you don't really think of it that way, so the gain boost isn't too special.
I am not in agreement on the lack of gain some people are talking about. I teach guitar and play alot of covers,a dn in all of that music I find I need less gain! The Ultra mod I have is set 4 at the most. Its a great sound, but more than that is pretty noisy and the tone doesnt get more aggressive..just more compressed.
I think you GAIN folks may be best off with killing the front end with a pedal, rather than having all new modules made for you. It might be more to your liking.
Some people love their MT-2s or Big Muffs driving their amps.
I think it depends on the type of music you play .
If you a Legato type lead player the extra compression and saturation help for that.

the negetive of High gain is as you mention ,the more gain the more compression and it really starts to rob the dynamics and the personality of the individual instrument .

again if your a metal player it may be what you require .but as ive found that Wall of sound that you hear on some recordings ,is actually very often less gain than you perceive .