Module Bucket List

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Through flipping on this site, I've had the fun of playing dozens of modded's a few modules I never tried that I would like too:

Salvation: Sloogie, Mashodano
JF: 1959 RR, PIT
Sacred Groove: Fish, Diablo
Gigmods: I've owned most of them! Would like to try the Slodano
Hilligan: Scorch
VooDoo: Sear
Ian Modules
Since receiving the S1S0 I realized how much better the modded modules sound!
Now that I've been bitten by the bug, and I find myself using every moment planning which modules to get modded first . . . but the choices !!!

I would love to try the modules first but since I'm stuck in South Africa, it means that I would have to buy modules and get my modules modded blindly.

My wallet's gonna HATE me! :twisted:
Module bucket list? Here's mine!

Gigmods: Mark, Slodano
Salvation: Mamba, Angel, Loneclean, Custom 3
JF: 1959RR, Superclean, CFH (not for Pantera, believe it or not :p)
Sacred Groove: Diablo, MK22
MK22 is definitely next on my list. After that I want some kind of Soldano mod and some kind of Orange mod, not necessarily in that order. That might actually be enough to sate my module needs for a while.
Whoopysnorp said:
MK22 is definitely next on my list. After that I want some kind of Soldano mod and some kind of Orange mod, not necessarily in that order. That might actually be enough to sate my module needs for a while.

Maybe get Salvation to make a MKOrangeoldano? Just a thought.... :lol:
I'm saving up for a Mashodano, so I'm crossing off other Marshall and Soldano type mods (for now). this narrows my list to:

Salvation: Mashodano
Sacred Groove: Fish, Diablo
Hilligan: Scorch
VooDoo: Sear
Ian Modules

Too many cool mods, not enough cash :!:
Well Ive tried a few myself and all have been different in their own right.
So here is a few I would like to take for a test drive.

SG: Fish and MK22
JF: Super Clean and SLO
Mattfig said:
Whoopysnorp said:
MK22 is definitely next on my list. After that I want some kind of Soldano mod and some kind of Orange mod, not necessarily in that order. That might actually be enough to sate my module needs for a while.

Maybe get Salvation to make a MKOrangeoldano? Just a thought.... :lol:

Yeah. I want a module with a 16-position switch that can be used to switch between the tones of any 16 of his mods I choose. I also want each position to have a clean and an overdriven mode!
Whoopysnorp said:
Mattfig said:
Whoopysnorp said:
MK22 is definitely next on my list. After that I want some kind of Soldano mod and some kind of Orange mod, not necessarily in that order. That might actually be enough to sate my module needs for a while.

Maybe get Salvation to make a MKOrangeoldano? Just a thought.... :lol:

Yeah. I want a module with a 16-position switch that can be used to switch between the tones of any 16 of his mods I choose. I also want each position to have a clean and an overdriven mode!
Hehe, I want a module with just 5 knobs: marshall, soldano, orange, mesa, bogner, so I can blend the amps together :)

For real though:
- Xtacy (underway)
- Chupacabra
- Mr. Scary
- Shiver
- H-Watt
- Masholdano
- Mamba

All Salvation Mods except for the Mr. Scary ;)
(yes I do like it when Anthony fires up his soldering iron :lol: )
Really you could add any Salvo to the list ;) but these are the ones I'd really like for the rig.
Here's what's currently on my wishlist...

Gigmods Recto
Sacred Groove MKII
Voodoo AC30
Some type of Engl-based module
I'm kind of like to have them all!'
But my wallet won't let me do that.

as soon as I can I would like a Phish and a Voxless.
crankyrayhanky said:
Salvation: Sloogie, Mashodano
JF: 1959 RR, PIT
Sacred Groove: Fish, Diablo
Gigmods: I've owned most of them! Would like to try the Slodano
Hilligan: Scorch
VooDoo: Sear
Ian Modules

I'm on track...need to add:

JF: XMG, Dumble
Salvation: Hi Watt
JF '59 (Soon :D )
JF XMG (for that heavy brutal gain)
Gigmods Slodano (can't get enough Soldano tone)
A XTC mod of some sort
I made this a while back:

Kyle Dragon (gotten)
JF Rverb (gotten)
Salvo Angel B
salvo S1S0 w/ fire switch
Salvo Mamba
Salvo Stonerverb (kinda iffy on this one since I got the Rverb)
SG Rivera r-series/knucklehead (maybe, does sound interesting)

And some tones I want but haven't locked down a module for:
Some sort of clean, eyeballing a JF Super Clean
Doom/Sludge metal, maybe a Plexi/Plexi+/1086 tweaked?
Mesa Mark IV/V high gainer

Plus one Salvo that's in development and will likely be my next new module.
Salvation: H-Watt, Baseman
Jaded Faith: Super Clean

As I don't care for Rectos, Orange or Vox flavors this really shortens my list! I'd still love to try them all just out of curiosity, but the 3 on my list are the only ones left I have a real interest in obtaining. That being said I've already owned 26 modules! Mostly mods!
JF - E-rect
JF - OD Special
JF - Stein (got that one)
JF - XTC / Salv - Xtacy / Shiver
JF - VHT Pittbull (gotta get my chops up if it's like my real pitbull was)

Most of mine are Rob's, because his work is awesome and the distance and cost related to Salv's stuff really turns down my desire for them (nothing to do with quality).
My list has changed dramatically since my last post... a much shorter list... :lol:

I really wanna try:
JF RVerb
Needham Dragon
Hmm....I guess I would have to say that right now the mods that are at the top of my list are pretty simple and few. Here's a top ten, in no particular order...

Salvation: Angel, H-WATT, Mash-All+, Xtacy.
Sacred Groove: Diablo, MK22.
Voodoo: HG Jose, Sear.
JF: Voxless, OD Special.
Hilligan: Scorch.
PS. I will trade for stuff in my sig and $$$. Wink, Wink... :wink: