Module suggestions

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Aug 15, 2007
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Im getting a randall RM100 this weekend. And am a little in the dark about which modules to get. I dont live close enough to go in and try many modules and they opnly have a few in so i need help on this one.

Im looking for kind of diverse tones, i want a clean channel thats isnt twangy, i want it for more of a dark sound kind of like the opening to "Sanitarium"

I want my gain tones to be able to cover a variety of tones mainly something similar to Avenged sevenfold, children of bodom, or bullet for my valentine. a really thick distorted tone thats not muddy

I also was wondering about modded modules?
You might want to check out the Clean module if you want a flatter darker clean tone. The Blackface is another great clean module w/o a lot of twang to it but it is a little bright.

For AX7, COB, BFMV type sounds I would suggest the Ultra XL, although you might need a boost in front for COB. An XTC would be pretty good for the the 3rd channel as well, especially for AX7 type solos.
I have the Blackface and it can handle a Sanitarium type tone pretty well:
thank you i was thinking the XTC for the A7X style tone it seems to be really close.

thanks for your suggestions
Sound samples are here (not mine):

Also check out the Mr. Scary for that Soldano late 80's shredder tone. Maybe the Ultra too, although I don't know the differences between that and the XL version.

I have the XTC and it might be a little thick and dark for the bands you mentioned.
I have the XTC and it might be a little thick and dark for the bands you mentioned.

I have heard this mentioned before, but mine is stock and I don't find it very dark at all. I wonder if the tubes are behind that? I bought mine used and it came with Sovteks, which I typically am not a fan of. I have 7 Tung-Sols and 6 JJ's arriving today for some experimenting with several of my modules. I'm interested to see if that makes the differences I think it will.
Jaded Faith said:
I wonder if the tubes are behind that? I bought mine used and it came with Sovteks, which I typically am not a fan of. I have 7 Tung-Sols and 6 JJ's arriving today for some experimenting with several of my modules. I'm interested to see if that makes the differences I think it will.
the tubes do contribute to the tone. I've used all the ones you mentioned in the XTC. Tung Sols are great for more clarity, slightly lesser gain than the JJs, but it's great if you want definition. The JJ are what I'm using right now, they're a little more grittier in the mids, more gain and a little dirtier.
The Tung Sol and JJ are my preamp tubes of choice right now, thye're working very well to cover a wide variety of tones.
The Brahma modules come stock with Tung Sol, that should give you an indication that Randall is listening :wink:
Zacky_V said:
thank you i was thinking the XTC for the A7X style tone it seems to be really close.

thanks for your suggestions
I have an XTC and it sounds a LOT like the city of evil type of tone. It rocks!
Try the 1086, it is the most versatile module and can give you a huge range of tones, from cleans - overdrive - mid crunch - scooped shred. Awesome module.