Capt_Tippy said:
You really seem to like the JF Mods. I have some JF Mods I like, but I like the Salvo's better for the most part.
I actually started out on the Salvation train myself. I was solely a Salvo dude for whatever reason at the time. Although everyone here is pretty understanding and civil, the ol' JF/Salvo debachle saw things poppin' off a few times in years past. Like religion or just didn't make for great conversation. Spirited debates, we'll call 'em.
I don't have a lot of modules because I don't have the spare cash to justify collecting these things like Pokemon...because I would if I could. The reason I have and favor JF Mods is because in my honest opinion, they just sound better live. Since I play out a lot, it was discovered that Salvos and JFs are truly different designs altogether. The way I could describe it best, is that Salvos perform better at low volume such as in the studio. They are designed to sound rich, textured, and incredibly accurate at tone matching the amps they are designed after. When you crank them up for the stage, those textures start to loosen, become very noisy in some cases, and the module ends up sounding and feeling much less stable overall.
JF Mods (especially the newer line) actually sound better the louder you crank them. They are made for the stage. They become more stable, more defined...tighter at loud volumes. Its that simple.
One day when I can afford it, I would gladly have a wall of all the great mods by every maker. (I've had a sh!t-ton of mods, even a few SGs. They are also in a class all their own) But yeah. That's why I favor JFs and have slowly phased in into exclusivity.
Of course, opinions WILL vary and I hope I didn't tick anyone off. Hopefully it isn't as sore a subject as it used to be. I think they are both great companies with killer product but they are different enough to allow US to pick what we need, based on what we are trying to accomplish. And I think that's pretty damn cool.