MXR Carbon Copy delay questions

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2008
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Hey guys,
I got one of these a little while ago, but i'm having trouble dialing it in.
When i try to put it in the loop, the volume decreases dramatically, and in the front i can't seem to dial it to what i want.
I'm after just a lead delay that repeats quick and gives a nice smooth tone for soloing. If anyone has one i'd really appreciate some help on dialing it in and where to place it. Also if it's in the loop, how does the effects knob on the front of my amp work?

sorry if these are kinda dumb questions, but thanks in advance for help.
it will not work in the loops , your pedal has to be line level , you will need a looper or and line level shifter or a Boss dd20 :lol:
ok, that's what i thought i need for using the loop. Any recommendations on line level shifter?
For leads, you will want it in the loop (really what I mean is AFTER the source of distortion...most likely your module and not a pedal right?). An Ebtech line shifter is the way to go there.

I just put a Carbon Copy on my board about a month ago and LOVE IT! I use all my pedals up front and an Xpression in the loop. The analog delay up front is so sweet for Incubus/U2 textural tones and it was a great addition for me.
Alright thanks, i'm on a budget, so is this what you mean?