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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
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Thats right my gnx3 is no more... Should i run my delay and chorus thru the effects loop or should i go strait out the front??? Any advice will help
I like the delays in the loop. The chorus is a users choice kind of thing. In the loop also for me though.
eyeball987 said:
I like the delays in the loop. The chorus is a users choice kind of thing. In the loop also for me though.

I agree completely. Any timed Effects usually sound better overall through the Effects loop. Parallel loop.
And I would get a Line6 M9 versus single stomps.
I just bought an M13 and think its the greatest thing in the world. I had a pedal board with a bunch of pedals that was a mess. Not it is clean and amazing. I am only running the Reverb and delay through the loop. Everything else I think sounds better in the front end with the M13. I have it all hooked up with the 4 cable hookup. I even have it running a midi cable and switch the three channels on the RM100 with it. I'm **** happy.

pay now or pay later.

the loop is +4 dbv. Line level. You'll need a Radial Pro DI box to use it with stomp boxes so you can pad the signal. I'd use this over the EBTech. It's better quality and has a ground lift.
I have an M13, you can put some of the fx in the loop and some in the front - sounds pretty good. Not as good as dedicated effects IMHO, but pretty good.

I also believe the Eb line shifter has a ground loop thing built in. Check this out, from product description on zzounds:

The Ebtech Line Level Shifter is designed to increase or decrease signal voltage (-10dBV and +4dBu) without adding noise. The Line Level Shifter also converts back and forth between balanced (+4dBu) and unbalanced (-10dBV) signals automatically. The Line Level Shifter also contains Ebtechs' Hum Eliminator technology to break ground loops that cause AC hum.
My g major works wonders... through the series loop, I only use it for delays and chorusing, just to keep it simple... Actually I like the detune patches better than the choruses, it just sounds better for some reason... Hope that helps!