My RT2/50 only works with balanced speaker cable??

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May 5, 2006
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For some reason I can only use a balanced TRS cable going from the RT2/50 to the 2x12 cab. Is this normal operation?

I'd rather use my heavier gauge cable than the studio interconnects now being used.

Could it be a wiring issue? The 2x12 is wired as two 8 ohm speakers in Series for 16 ohms. Not sure if that has something to do with it.

Please offer any suggestions or if you know what's up, let me know.

That would not be a speaker ohm loading problem to my knowledge. You would still get sound at improper impedance levels, just not optimum. It sounds like you have some other issue. Bad jacks? Bad cable?
I pulled two different speaker cables from the Marshall DSL in the room. Both work fine with the Marshall and its 4x12, but not at all with the RT2/50.

About damaging the amp, as far as I can tell, nothing is getting f'd up, but I'm not risking it anymore. It has been turned up pretty loud whenever played. For now though, I'm not even playing the Randall until the cable thing is worked out.

I'm still baffled... I mean, TIP hot would be the same for either cable, TS or TRS...
Are you using the speaker mains first, if you are using the other side first,it would not be good.
Well, I fixed it. Whoever wired the cab used a TRS jack and miswired it. It looks like they wired the ring to the +. They did manage to solder the sleeve correctly....

I got a TS jack from the local electronics store, some 14 gauge speaker cable, spade plugs, soldered up the jack and voila... a properly wired 2x12.

The rig even sounds a little better. More bite, slightly more responsive to playing dynamics, and slightly clearer. I'm happy.
It's always an awesome feeling when you troubleshoot a problem yourself. I just wish i could do more than simple soldering :mrgreen:
Congrats on getting your amp working properly!

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