Need Help! Amp not working without using the effect loop!

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Jan 16, 2007
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0 for last couple months I haven't been having much luck with equipment, a couple months back my G major quit working on me, so I have just been using my RM100C straight up without effects while it was getting fixed. Anyways I got it back last week and was in the process of setting it back up last night, when I noticed that no sound was coming out of the amp when I unhook the send and returns from the amp. Plug them back in and the amp works fine....unplug and nothing! I don't understand...because the amp was working fine by itself prior hooking the G major back up and now it won't work without the G Major plugged in. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks Bryan

thats pretty much the same set up I have. I've run into problems like that before and usually it's because I plug the wrong cable in the wrong jack, or I dont unplug them all the way. have you disconnected ALL cables? just try the using the power cable and midi cable and see if you can get it to work. If you only unlpug one cable from your effects loop it prolly wont work.

Hey Cody...thanks for the response! I went home at lunch and just plugged a guitar straight into the amp with nothing else plugged into it, and it still didn't work. When you turn the amp all the way up, you can hear the faint sound of the guitar but thats it. Anyways just to try something out, I plugged a cable into the effects return, one end to the send, the other to the return, and the amp worked fine. So there has to be something wrong between the preamp and power section. Are there any fuses or tubes between there I should check? Thanks Bryan
There is obviously a connection that isn't being made inside the amp. I doubt you want to hear this, but I think you'll need to take it to a tech. Or leave the the effects loop jumped.
What if you plug your guitar into your directly into your loop? I can't remember if it's send or return, but if you get sound that way, you've got a bad tube, probably a Preamp tube or a grid screen resistor going bad.
If you get a sound out of your amp at a normal volume then your tubes are fine, at least in the power amp section. I'm gonna to my room and try something out and let you know what I can find out.. if I find anything..

I tried my combo with only only 1 cable plugged into the serial send and then only one cable plugged into the serial return. the amp made no sound when the send was plugged in. When the return was plugged in it sounded as though nothing was in the loop. I'd drop the chassis out of the combo and look at the plugs. One of them has a switch built into it. Make sure its making the propper contacts. It might only need to be bent a little so that it connects.
