Need help biasing the RM 100

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Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Bennington, VT
I was just biasing the EL34s in my RM100 for the first time after buying it used. In the manual it instructs you on how to check tubes 1 and 2 but stops there. It does not mention tubes 3 or 4 at all.

Also I have read here that tubes 2,3 and 1,4 are matched pairs (in threads regarding removing tubes it is said to remove either the inside tubes 2,3 or the outside tubes 1,4), but in the manual it instructs you to compare tubes 1 and 2 as a matched pair.

I am really confused here. What tubes are the matched pairs? Should you bias all 4 or just ignore tubes 3 and 4 as you would if strictly following the manual?
The two outside and the two inside so,1,4/2,3.The nice thing with the RM100 is THAT you can bias every tube :D
What are you guys biasing the tubes at? i know it supposed to be 40, but there's guys biasing them hot, as high as 50 to 55.
I'm running JJ E34Ls.
tung said:
What are you guys biasing the tubes at? i know it supposed to be 40, but there's guys biasing them hot, as high as 50 to 55.
I'm running JJ E34Ls.
I run my E34Ls at about 45.
jimosity said:
Read some of the info on this page for more insight into biasing....

Yes...that is exactly what is in the manual - as we have been discussing. And, from what I read here, it is incorrect. In those instructions it instructs you to compare tubes 1,2 as a matching pair and completely ignores tubes 3,4.

I am guessing that someone at Randall cut and pasted an RM20 or RM50 manual biasing instructions and just used that for the RM100 manual without making the appropriate changes. Just trying to confirm that.
In the RM100 you bias all the tube the same(all 4) providing they are all of the same type.4 6L6gc I set them to 35ma,4 E34Ls I set them to 45ma.On each socket.Anyway where are you located Animal...

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