Need some help dialing in my Egnater Mod50 for live use

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
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Whew, had a rough time at the gig today. Everything I thought I knew about dialing in the Mod50 went out the door on stage. It took a long while to get it close to dialed in, much longer than I would have hoped.

I ended up having barely enough clean headroom to hang with the band and had to really dial the SL2 module back to keep it at similar volumes. I guess I need some advice from the folks that gig their Mod50's. What sort of setting do you use on stage? Here's what I ended up with:

Tubes: Winged C 6L6GC biased to 30 mV
Cab: Bogner 2x12 with Vintage 30s

Gain: noon
Bass: 9 (o'clock)
Middle: 9
Treble: 1
Master: dimed
Bass Boost: 1
Bright: 1

Master Volume: dimed
Effects: off
Density: 9
Presence: 1

Gain: noon
Bass: noon
Middle: 10
Treble: 1
Master: 3
Bass Boost: 1
Bright: 1

With the MV dimed, I had a good deal of hiss on the T/V and SL2/Ch2. It was so much that I didn't use SL2/Ch2 and when I wasn't using the T/V/ChA, I dialed ChB to too off so I could switch to it for quiet. Is that normal? Did I set it wrong or something wrong with the amp or is this just how it is? Thanks.
Something is not right. First off, you shouldn't have to dime the volume on the module. I've never run mine over 12:00 at any gig. Are you not miking the speakers? If I were you I would go back to square one and reset everything and recheck all your connections and switches. Take the modules out and reseat them back in the head.
Check your speaker cable and guitar cable for faults.
Any FX before the head? Check all those and the patch cables.
Is the impedance set correctly for the cabinet your using?
is the low power setting engaged on the amp?
Sounds to me that there is something not set right. Could be something with the amp, but I doubt it. Usually tube amps either work, or they're dead.
Take you time and recheck everything.
Good Luck...
WOW sounds like something is wrong.I've never even heard my MOD dimed.I run the module levels at about noon or less except on the bassman A side and I run it about 3 o'clock but the gain is way down to 9 and the master volume at about 2,starts sounding wicked about 2....
Yea, I'm with the other guys here. That is truly puzzing. That sounds like a really loud gig. Is your stage volume really high with this band? It just sounds like something is not right at all. Were you running the amp on low power or high power? What ohm is your speaker cabinet wired at? Did you match that ohm rating with the output correctly?

I use SL and EG modules.
Clean sound gain = 11:30, master = 1 O'clock
Dirt channel gain = 2 O'clock, master = 12 noon
Master volume on amp is at 11 O'clock

I have been asked to turn down, and I have no problem hearing myself at all.
Other than don't run your module masters past 2 oclock you've got no mids. You cannot scoop the mids in a band setting and expect to cut through the mix.
I think this was a power issue. I got home and set my usual amp up at stage volumes and set the Mod50 to match it, and didn't need to use these extreme settings to match the volumes. It seemed to mostly affect the T/V module though with I thought was odd. Is that indicative of anything?

So the general standard is not to run the module master past 2 o'clock?
I tend to run my module master at slightly above 12 noon to 1 o'clcok. From what I have read here on the forum, I tend to run muy MV a little higher than most. I think it opens up the sound a little. This means that I run my master amp section volume at or usually slightly below 12 noon. Pretty loud even on half power.

Explain "power problem". What does this mean? Are you talking A.C. voltage, amp wattage power, the power of love or what? :lol:
Sometimes you just get dirty power

Anyway , from what i remember reading about the TV is that the module basically has a huge hole in the midrange .

as others have said .mid scooped glassy acoustic tones work great in a studio where you can eq and double them .Live they do not.even in a clean tone you require MIDS.especially if you are trying to balence it against a Marshall type mod that is Mid focused.

I have the rocktron Vendetta FWIW there is some noise on the high gain side .so you may need a gate at higher gain levels .In this case im willing to bet you were overloading it with both masters cranked .so you probably got more noise than usual
3 Mile Stone said:
Explain "power problem". What does this mean? Are you talking A.C. voltage, amp wattage power, the power of love or what? :lol:

Hehe, AC voltage. Yeah, we are clumping a lot of stuff on the same plug due to lack of plugs and too much gear :) Next week I'll try to get the Mod50 on a less cluttered power source and see if that helps. Also, the T/V really isn't my fave clean tone. I've got the T/D and Vox modules incoming and hoping they will be here before the next gig. I think the Vox ChA might be more up my alley for cleans anyway.