need to mod clean-ultra-xtc-recto

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Apr 22, 2007
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i need mod for all 4 of them i run them in a rm4 thru a rocktron velocity 300 to 2 krank dimebag cab .

my clean is always fuzzy and i need it to be crystal clean

the ultra-recto-xtc need to be more presence with more attack lot more tighter

does anyone can help me my module tube may need to change i bought them use i will like your opinon on tube for those module

and do i'm the only one that the bright switch on my module seem to do nothing...
thank dany
Send me an email at [email protected] - I could help you with all of them. I bet your problem with the clean is that you have the old value resistors.

Pete does great mods. Top notch high quality work and I'm used to the Egnater level of quality on the deal since that's where I came from and that's really all I own (except for Petes modded XTC that I have). Randall should have already hired Pete if they had any sense.