Thanks mojo for asking the reason for the post and trying to get the thread back on track. I was beginning to think it was permanently hijacked. Obviously, I?m not ready to be a writer for Jay Leno because, as they say, ?if you have to explain a joke maybe it wasn?t all that funny to begin with!? It was just my modest attempt at satire. The company MonoTone is, fortunately, not real. Unfortunately, perhaps, the spirit of MonoTone is alive and well on this forum. Maybe I was too subtle, but I thought some of the attitudes and characters in the story might be familiar and bring a chuckle or two of recognition. So, without naming names or getting into a pi$$ing contest, just let me say this?
? When someone posts ?I asked famous modder A-Mod if his module XYZ could have more gain and he said ?it doesn?t need it? ?, think ?MonoTone?.
? When eager posters say they like the new clip of module ABC?s clean mode and would like to hear how gainy the dirty mode gets and one of the resident experts criticizes them for wanting higher gain when they should be satisfied with the clean mode because it gets ?great Cream and Hendrix tones?, maybe you can have a laugh and say to yourself ?hey, that sounds like the tone czar from MonoTone!?.
? Or, if someone tries to say their opinion is superior to yours because they have better, more expensive, equipment, you?ll remember the tone czar and think ?yeah, right?.
? When someone says module X sounds like crap because it?s not their thing (even if it wasn?t designed for their style of music to begin with), think ?MonoTone?.
The bottom line for me is this. Tone is totally subjective. Just like one man?s ?babe? is another man?s ?dog?, one man?s grail tone is another?s garbage tone. I would personally find comments more interesting and helpful if they went something like ?You know, that module just doesn?t do it for me because I?m hearing this nasty hashy kind of distortion in the lower frequencies. Is that what it really sounds like that in the room? Have you tried doing this?? instead of ?that?s absolutely the worst thing I?ve heard and I ought to know because?blah, blah, blah?. In other words, for me this forum is about the interest we all share in the quest for tone, our own tone, specifically through the use of MTS modules. And, the journey to get there, along with the camaraderie of this group, is a big part of the fun. There?s a lot of enthusiasm and expertise in this group and it?s great when it?s shared in a productive way. It becomes very trite and boring for me when it?s about forcing opinions or stroking our own egos.
So, was the original post a bit over the top? Yup. Just using absurdity to point out absurdity. No offense intended (well, maybe a little :wink: ). Thanks for listening. ? Matt