Nu Randall videos

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2008
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Wide range of modules, only sound is poor :(
I noticed that yesterday.. I was not really satisfied with those videos. The majority of them were just talking and then maybe a 10 second clip of the module. I was hoping to get a good example of the Ultra xl, but it was nothing more than a little riff. It's as if they were rushed or something.
sound is good, so many people complain about sound in clips of the modules, if you must know most of the time its the speakers on YOUR computer that are making you not like the sound, get a good set of speakers (their not much more than 50 bucks if that) for your computer and if you think stuff still doesn't sound good complain then. something decent usually means 2 small tweaters and a subwoofer- logitec sells them cheap and the jbl creature is reasonable as well , it makes a big difference :idea:
I use headphones, but there just wasn't enough sound. I mean, the guy talks about liquid sustain and modern metal and such on the Ultra XL and plays one little riff that lasts around 10 seconds. I was hoping to get a nice example of the strengths of the module.
yeah i agree i wish they would have spent 3-4 minutes or so on each module they have, it would only help sales. but the sound quality of what was there was good imo. it would have been nice to hear the module eq'd in every way in conjuction with the presence and density as well, but hey at least they tried :wink: relik i checked out your youtube pretty cool , you will like the xl don't worry :twisted:
Now I just need to find somebody to sell me one for a decent price. :twisted:
Explanation isn?t bad for advertising, ok the soundclips can be a bit longer, but if they spent so much time with making of this clips, and finally use the sound from camera? imho this is wasting of time and money.

Only for comparation -
I know when I was thinking about the randall mts the sound samples were almost nonexistent. I could not beleive how hard it was (is) to actually hear what the amp sounded like. So I am glad that at least Randall did something. The more amps they sell the more modules they'll develope=good for us users. I was a bit surprised they did not just hire a name guy to play. If I was the pr guy at Randall I would hire one of their signature module names and have them rock out and post it all over. That would generate a buzz. Alot of peaple don't even know the mts exist. Personally, I have 2 modules and they are both very good and sound like what they are supposed to sound like in one amp. Just my 2 cents.
new bigger collection of clips
with "18th" trick is better :) (adress +&fmt=18 )
Thanks hyneik! I wish he did clips for the Mr. Scary, Grail and KH series. Maybe next time.
Good clips. Most clips i have seen are usually a strat style of guitar used. I would like to see some clips with a straight up les paul set up.
really interesting clip form dave friedman

and from desert :)
maximus1 said:
sound is good, so many people complain about sound in clips of the modules, if you must know most of the time its the speakers on YOUR computer that are making you not like the sound, get a good set of speakers (their not much more than 50 bucks if that) for your computer and if you think stuff still doesn't sound good complain then. something decent usually means 2 small tweaters and a subwoofer- logitec sells them cheap and the jbl creature is reasonable as well , it makes a big difference :idea:
Then there's also the fact tha a lot of samples are recorded not with an SM57, but rather the camera's inferior mic.
I wonder if Doug picked "naked", "chicks", and "boobs" as part of the search tags Randall included for those clips...

(see them by clicking "more info" in the description section) :lol:
Shinozoku said:
Then there's also the fact tha a lot of samples are recorded not with an SM57, but rather the camera's inferior mic.

Isn't this the truth. I've seen exactly ONE clip of an amp where the guy actually miked the cabinet, told you his recording setup, and from that point on all you saw was a still of the module in question with the settings on it. That was of the Lynch Box.

Camera mikes compress way too much.
And Pete keeps downplaying his playing and every sound clip of his I hear I start thinking I have no hope..... :cry: Ah well, I need to make a quick run to the store, get some brandy for my cold and laryngitis, then hit the strings and make some noise.

Also debating on picking up my DI stuff today -- it arrived....
lot of interesting comparisons from TTK