Partial Shipment ... ****!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Near Seattle WA
Good news and bad news....

First the good news....

Four boxes labeled: JTM; Brahma; Mr. Scary; and Grail arrived today.

bad news ... the amp is still in transit. So I get to have a "spread out" Christmas.

I hate when that happens. One time I had the speaker cab arrive, but had to wait for the head. ugh. talk about a tease.

sorry mate
Mod the modules while you wait! :lol:
hehehe... j/k..

that does suck. they give an expected delivery on the head?
Well, we were expecting Dec 29 for the whole thing especially with the bad weather and all. The modules actually came early getting my hopes up then dashing them.

Now considering they were shipped the same day, this worries me.... If they were sent to the store via UPS, I've seen what UPS can do to heavy objects. Fragile. Handle with care. is not in their shipping manual. I've had an amp arrive from UPS with the box half ripped, then taped over. The guy takes it out of the truck and I'm opening my front door just in time to see the thing go "thump" on my porch. I asked the guy if he ever bothers to read stuff like "Fragile" on it or does that word mean "Destroy!" I told him it's electronic equipment and it had better work. He lucked out because it was a point to point wired amp, and it survived.

I've also had an air conditioner shipped to me by UPS and they destroyed the thing.

I've seen photos of a Marshall amp that was shipped UPS from Musician's Friend and the amp had to be returned because it was broken. You should have seen the condition of the packaging.

So it should get delivered on Friday. Otherwise we might assume UPS is trying to figure out how to cover their asses. Settling claims is not one of their priorities.
Your story reminded me of one my buddy told me. He works at a mom and pop music store. One day, he said he watched the UPS guy drop a guitar cabinet from the back of the truck to the ground. He just tipped it over and let it fall a few feet to the ground. Needless to say, it was damaged. My buddy called UPS and told them what he witnessed. Hopefully the guy at least got his a** chewed out.