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Feb 24, 2010
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I have never used pedals before. Always just played throught the amp.I have only played about 5 years so I figured I didn't need any other distractions. Other than a tuner, What pedals do you guys use and what modules. I have a JTM45, Blackface and a Gigmod Plexi. I was thinking about a chorus pedal for the blackface. Does it take to pedals well? Should I use the effects loops for that. If so which? I would also like to get a higher gain sound maybe along the lines of a triple rec. Could I use a pedal with any of these modules to get me there. I know I could just get another module to do that but wanted to know what some of you do or what your experience has been.

The Blackface does take pedals well. I sometimes use distortion pedals with it, such as the Radial Hot British. Sounds great. Just set the Blackface for a flat EQ (mids, highs, lows at about 12 o'clock).

I also use a Bad Monkey and a Keeley Time Machine to boost the dirty modules. Sounds especially killer with a Plexi or Brahma.
Hey Jason. Good questions. First yes a chorus with a Blackface is awesome. I use a chorus effect from a Rocktron in the series FX loop for that. It can be programmed to be used with the footswitch so it can be turned off when you go away from the clean sounds. I do not use the Parallel FX loop. My preference. A chorus pedal will not go well in the FX loop. They are too high gain and you'll distort your sound. If you do want a pedal you will need a pad but there are plenty of threads here on that.

As for the triple rec i use two things. First i use a Salvation Deadplate which is awesome but i also have a Mesa V Twin. If you can spring for that it is beyond awesome. I wish Mesa had not discontinued those. There is also a Mesa V Rocket which is a one channel version of the V twin. I use my V Twin with my clean for a 5th awesome sound from my RM4 but you could easily use it as a boost for either the JTM or Plexi and get two awesome different Recto sounds.

I also have a Boss DS1 and an Ibanez TS7 both of which are great but neither are gonna be near a Recto.

Hope that helps

Peace, Joshua
I use predominantly a KH-1, JTM or Deluxe, SL+ or Brahma.

ISP Decimator G-String (the pedals are in the Decimator loop), Fulltone Octafuzz, EHX Micro Q, Keeley Java Boost, Skreddy Screw Driver, Dunlop Crybaby, Danelectro TOD, Ibanez TS808 RI, MXR M-108 EQ. That's going into the amp. I've been toying with picking up a Barber Small Fry for the Carlton/Ford sound.

Then in the Serial Loop I've got a dbx 166xl gate/compressor/limiter and a Lexicon MX300 Multi-effects unit.

I play a G&L Legacy, Gibson SG Std, and Epiphone Les Paul Special (P-90s) primarily. I'm finding I'm spending more and more time on the clean KH-1 than anything else, just because the 9ths and 13ths sound like crap with distortion. SL+ is the lead channel.
kc2eeb said:
I'm Waiting for an Ethos Overdrive.

That would really do it, but you see my main PC gave up the ghost... otherwise that's on my want list. But Gearmanndude says the Barber Small Fry will get me close for $150 and no wait.
I run a Tuner, wah, delay and a TS7 for boosting.

TS7 sounds awesome through all my modules. Adds a little hair to the clean, makes the JF brown and Pete Recto tighter and also boosts thickens the lead sound. Its awesome, and cheap
You need a good Delay pedal. I use the Line6 Echo Park. You could also get a good Multi effect pedal. I use the Yamaha Magic stomp for all my modulation effects needs( Chorus, Flanger, Uni-Vibe...).

Overdrives and Distortion pedals are all a matter of taste. There are just too many out there. I personally use the tube amps distortion most of the time anyways.

Lets not forget a good Wah pedal. They have a tendency to get lost in the mix so get one with a built in OD. I use the Snarling Dogs Whine-O-Wah on my pedal board.
Instead of the Echo Park I'd recommend the Boss DD-20.
It give about the same possibilities, IMO a bit better sound quality and the possibility of setting it to +4db for in the effect loop. :)
Plus storing your settings, allowing you to use it for more songs.
I have my lead delay on the manual spot, and I switch to different memory spots for a few different songs ;)

A delay is a great tool for finding new sounds, also the DD-20 has a very basic loop function.. which I use every day to jam, good for your development ;)

My chain:
Guitar -> Boss NS-2 (loop1) -> EHX Riddle -> EHX Dr. Q -> EHX Big Muff -> Ibanez Weeping Demon -> Korg Pitchblack
-> Boss CEB-3 -> m0jo Muff-SHO combo (with some specials) -> Boss/m0jo modded SD-1 ->Boss NS-2 (loop2) -> RM4

And then there's the DD-20 in the fx-loop :D

Not used right now: old russian EHX BMP, Boss GE-7..

Don't forget the very simple ones!
A compressor for the clean tones, a booster (EHX LPB-1) for some extra balls, an overdrive (Boss SD-1) for your lead stuff :)
These are just dynamic effects, but dynamics are the things that allow you to have more different tones.
Modulation effects are just the icing IMO :) and sometimes after you eat a whole bowl of it you wish you just had a simple cookie instead. :lol:

StratmanR2S said:
Lets not forget a good Wah pedal. They have a tendency to get lost in the mix so get one with a built in OD. I use the Snarling Dogs Whine-O-Wah on my pedal board.

More gain will actually get you more lost in the mix.
It's the tonal difference that counts.

A wah with tweakable settings is much more usefull to find your tone :)
Ibanez Weeping Demon, Dunlop Dime wah (I'm not a Dime fan, but John Frusciante also uses it ;) It's just a very versatile wah :) )
If you find you need to cut through more you can use a setting with a higher sweep and tweak up the Q

I'm not busting your balls btw, I have a Snarling Dog Blues Bawls ;)
But I think being able to tweak your sound is more important, and combined wah+od allways gives you inferior OD.
(Slash wah, Blues Bawls etc)
More gain will actually get you more lost in the mix.
It's the tonal difference that counts.

A wah with tweakable settings is much more usefull to find your tone
Ibanez Weeping Demon, Dunlop Dime wah (I'm not a Dime fan, but John Frusciante also uses it It's just a very versatile wah )
If you find you need to cut through more you can use a setting with a higher sweep and tweak up the Q

I'm not busting your balls btw, I have a Snarling Dog Blues Bawls
But I think being able to tweak your sound is more important, and combined wah+od allways gives you inferior OD.
(Slash wah, Blues Bawls etc)

I would have to disagree, a wah by its self will get lost in the mix. If you are using it for lead you will need to boost it with something to get it over the top or you will just hear the high parts. That way you only need to step on one pedal. The Whine-O-Wah actually has three Q setting. White Room,Voodoo Chile, and Shaft. Shaft being the brighter of the three. Maybe if the Blues Bawls had that feature you would have a better opinion of them.

I guess I could see your point. If you are all ready using tons of gain( which I typically don't) more Overdrive would just muddy it up. I guess I forgot which forum I'm on where most would already have the gain pushed to the limit. My bad...

Instead of the Echo Park I'd recommend the Boss DD-20.
It give about the same possibilities, IMO a bit better sound quality and the possibility of setting it to +4db for in the effect loop.
Plus storing your settings, allowing you to use it for more songs.
I have my lead delay on the manual spot, and I switch to different memory spots for a few different songs

I'll agree with you hear, the DD 20 is an awesome Delay. My son has one. It does a lot. But it might be more than he needs and they are pricey.

Ether way, a Delay is an important part of anybody's rig, and there are a lot of good ones out there that will do a good job for less money. I would make sure it has a tap tempo feature though.
a Delay is an important part of anybody's rig,
I've had some killer delays over the years, but come showtime, I always leave at home....just never sounds right unless the drummer is on a metronome, makes things sound like a mess
Right now I only use a Delay on about 5 of my songs. So I can see your point, but on those songs it just wouldn't be the same without it. You can only use it when you have the space in the music to hear it.
StratmanR2S said:
More gain will actually get you more lost in the mix.
It's the tonal difference that counts.

A wah with tweakable settings is much more usefull to find your tone
Ibanez Weeping Demon, Dunlop Dime wah (I'm not a Dime fan, but John Frusciante also uses it It's just a very versatile wah )
If you find you need to cut through more you can use a setting with a higher sweep and tweak up the Q

I'm not busting your balls btw, I have a Snarling Dog Blues Bawls
But I think being able to tweak your sound is more important, and combined wah+od allways gives you inferior OD.
(Slash wah, Blues Bawls etc)
I would have to disagree, a wah by its self will get lost in the mix. If you are using it for lead you will need to boost it with something to get it over the top or you will just hear the high parts. That way you only need to step on one pedal. The Whine-O-Wah actually has three Q setting. White Room,Voodoo Chile, and Shaft. Shaft being the brighter of the three. Maybe if the Blues Bawls had that feature you would have a better opinion of them.

I guess I could see your point. If you are all ready using tons of gain( which I typically don't) more Overdrive would just muddy it up. I guess I forgot which forum I'm on where most would already have the gain pushed to the limit. My bad...

Actually, the Blues Bawls has those settings as well ;)
So I think my judgement is accurate.

Also, it depends on your band.
When I play with just my bassist and drummer I don't need any tricks to get through the mix.
When it's the full ensemble with the rythm guitarist and vocalist there you would need to do something extra.

And about the gain boost:
You don't need to be in the "tons of gain" area for an OD to be useless.
When you're playing a Plexi or JTM @ half gain and you boost it you will also have some volume boost because you're not having full compression yet.
But go any higher than that, those modules on full gain or an SL+ on half gain for instance you will have so much compression that an overdrive will only add gain .. and then you've missed the point of boosting.

I don't actually use my Snarling Dog any more, the Weeping Demon is much more my thing (no I'm not a heavy metallist but it's just much more useable)
IMO the amount of cut through depends on your Q and sweep settings, if I set those lower I'm lost and set them a but higher (higher peak and a higher ending sweep) I'm heard!

I've had this experience with many wahs, Dunlop Dime/Slash, RMC, Fulltone etc.

StratmanR2S said:
Instead of the Echo Park I'd recommend the Boss DD-20.
It give about the same possibilities, IMO a bit better sound quality and the possibility of setting it to +4db for in the effect loop.
Plus storing your settings, allowing you to use it for more songs.
I have my lead delay on the manual spot, and I switch to different memory spots for a few different songs
I'll agree with you hear, the DD 20 is an awesome Delay. My son has one. It does a lot. But it might be more than he needs and they are pricey.

Ether way, a Delay is an important part of anybody's rig, and there are a lot of good ones out there that will do a good job for less money. I would make sure it has a tap tempo feature though.

I think the price of the DD-20 is justified in it's sound quality, usability and versatility (<- big one when it's your first)
Also I've had mine for about 3 years now.. longer than most other pieces of gear...
I'm satisfied in knowing that it will do what I need in 3 years time.

That depends on how you use it, I have a lead delay that fits in any song ;)
And then there's one for an intro that I start, so no timing problems.
And a few that are more for ambience so they don't mess with timing either.

But then again my drummer has an insanely good feel for timing :)
so maybe I'm just lucky ;)
I guess it depends on the genre...hi gain stuff is hard enough to translate with clarity live but when you add chorus and delays everywhere you miss the notes. Perhaps during the mellow pink floydian type tones, but for hi gain I like orgainic straight power for the articulation.

Most venues have a natural reverb going on that can make the band sound more cavernous on its own

...hmmm, I've had a Boss and a Lee Jackson Dreamweaver that I've sold off, but this thread makes me want the Digitech Delay, lol

My next peadl may be that clean boost from MWagner, makes each channel in my rm100KH a potential lead channel
With a dirty gainy amp, the most I'd want to use is a delay and make it a stereo delay where the amp is going out one side and the "echo" is out the other. But mostly I like my gainy stuff dry.
For some reason I can't get a chorus to my liking with 'high' gain
either it thins the sound out to anorexic levels or smudges the sound too much
for clean to midgain otoh I find it much easier to dial in a nice lush chorus

for reverbs/delays I stay well away from the cathedral effects
I usually go for a short distant echoreverb to give a bit of ambience
I tried the Weeping Demon. It didn't work for me. To high of a Q. not enough warmth. Its also tacky looking. I have also tried a lot of Wah's and other pedals, but you must realize one piece of gear may not work for another. Peoples style, tones, tastes and setting will differ.
With a dirty gainy amp, the most I'd want to use is a delay and make it a stereo delay where the amp is going out one side and the "echo" is out the other. But mostly I like my gainy stuff dry.

Yeah, Dry has more punch.