PeteTweed in action

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Finally got my studio up and running again, yea!
Wrote a riff while watching SColbert, grabbed a 57 and layed a few tracks- all MexStrat-bridge pu-PeteTweed-rm100-sm57-roland2480

Mesa One

Used my secret wah on the lead parts- helps mask my sloppiness!

no verb, no eq, the room has tiles so the sound was bouncing naturally
It may be a good idea for me to work on later, I dig the vibe for the time being

I'm usually a higain Les Paul axeman, but I was into the Strat and associated Fender mods tonight
To-student said:
nice really liked that.
Tweed has more gain than i would have guessed
Same here. I believe it's kinda the SRV module, kinda like how the Top Boost is like a Brian May mod :p

the gain was about 1 oclock, volume on guitar was down to about 7, so this mod can get even more gain...really opens up with the Strat
Really dig the Tweed module. I think it has more uses then probally people give it credit for!

great sound dude.
Nice clip Ray! I modded it for a little more gain and compression, so it's a little saltier than a stock Tweed. Nice recording and playing!
