physical nos tube store?

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2009
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is there anyone who sells nos tubes not from the internet? are there any stores in los angeles that do this? do amp techs do this?
You should be able to get these in your area...not sure were though.

Some amp techs can get/have some NOS tubes, most will not.

I would just order them from Doug's Tubes, The Tube Store, Tube depot...just to name a few. All three of these places will get you some very nice NOS tubes at a great price. :)

What kind of NOS tubes are you looking for?

You'll be lucky to find a store that carries anything other than Groove Tubes. Why? because it's about moving inventory. 99% of people who buy tubes at local music stores will ask for Groove Tubes.

You might find some used old stock (you can test it to see if it's new) at some electrical equipment salvage places, and you might come away with a bargain. These will have come out of miltary equipment mostly. But it's a crap shoot, and very time consuming. 99% of it is picked over by people like you who go in and just want to spend the day sorting tubes for the guy, and you'll take home what you want for a pretty good price. They'll be loose and in a shoe box.

The NOS stuff has already been sold. Used are all that you'll find. How much is your time worth? Honestly, I wouldn't bother with NOS or used old stock in anything other than a clean module where the tone will be readily heard. Waste of money in high gain apps., and a lot of these tubes can't handle the high gain. You may be fantastically lucky to find a RCA black plate 12AX7 which I'd save for recording purposes only.
I've had much better luck with my high gain side of things using good JJ's or Tung Sol new tubes...some you can get with higher gain results as well..Like Julia said, NOS a lot of times is just a waste of $$ least with the MTS and Egnater amps