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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
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So what is everyone using for highgain preamp tubes. In there rectos, 1086, and ultra or any for that matter.

Also anyone tried other preamp tubes on the chassis in the power amp pre stages.
Here is what I have in V1 and V2 on my modules at the present time:

Deluxe: JJ ECC81 + Tung-Sol 12AX7
Plexi: JJ ECC803 + EH 12AX7
Recto: Tung-Sol 12AX7 + Tung-Sol 12AX7
XTC: JJ ECC803 + JJ ECC803
SL+: JJ ECC803 Gold Pin + JJ ECC803
1086: EH 12AX7 + EH 12AX7
Eggie VX: EH 12AX7 + EH 12AX7

I did a TON of tube swapping and testing in both my RM4 + RT2/50 rack, my RM50 head and all my modules. By far and away, I prefer JJ ECC803's on the chassis of both my RM4 and RM50. I tried EH 12AX7's and Tung-Sol 12AX7's. I will try the Tung-Sols again, but for now I have settled on JJ ECC803's Gold Pins in V1, JJ ECC803's in V2 and Balanced JJ ECC803's in V3. I feel the rigs were more "alive" and reactive with the JJ's on the chassis and these tubes have a great deal of effect on the overall tone of your amp.
+ 1 on the JJ preamp tubes, I do hear the difference in tone with these in there, they do have more bite and deeper tonal range than the EH, which sounds more conventional.
I do have Tung Sols in my Deluxe module for clean though, it does clean better than the JJ and has a rounder, bigger tone.
Well i just purchased 4 JJ ECC83s and 1 Tung Sol 12AX7.

I just want to see what the tung will do for me in V1 one the chassis and a JJ in V2 and The EH thats already in V3.

I have GT 12AX7 in the 1086, they came that way and i think they suck. So i was gonna drop 2 jjs in it and put one in the Recto with an EH. thats it for now, my Ultra lead will have to wait I guess Unless i drop the other EHs in it. Poor thing has some generic tubes in it now that came in it, some no namers LOL.

Any suggestions on my plan of action.

Thanks for the replies.
TheHunter said:
Well i just purchased 4 JJ ECC83s and 1 Tung Sol 12AX7.

I just want to see what the tung will do for me in V1 one the chassis and a JJ in V2 and The EH thats already in V3.

I have GT 12AX7 in the 1086, they came that way and i think they suck. So i was gonna drop 2 jjs in it and put one in the Recto with an EH. thats it for now, my Ultra lead will have to wait I guess Unless i drop the other EHs in it. Poor thing has some generic tubes in it now that came in it, some no namers LOL.

Any suggestions on my plan of action.

Thanks for the replies.

The no-namers could be Chinese. Try those in your high gain modules.
wilson7344 said:
what does anybody think about groovetubes? :? :shock: :roll: :)
I think they are expensive for one,but some of their tubes sound good and some don't,that is me though and some are just relabel like the rest of bunch.But like I said ,that's just me :D
I've used many varieties of tubes and always come back to Tung-Sol. I like JJ's too, but Tung-Sol seems to have the edge on clarity and character. TAD's aren't bad either.

I recently tried Cryoset tubes (12AX7 and 6L6) and they sound great. I aim to listen beyond the hype for the differences and I have to say I'm very pleased with the sound of them. They're cryogenically treated like aluminum baseball bats to stabilize the materials... supposed to make them sound better and last longer.
Gearhead said:
I've used many varieties of tubes and always come back to Tung-Sol. I like JJ's too, but Tung-Sol seems to have the edge on clarity and character. TAD's aren't bad either.

I recently tried Cryoset tubes (12AX7 and 6L6) and they sound great. I aim to listen beyond the hype for the differences and I have to say I'm very pleased with the sound of them. They're cryogenically treated like aluminum baseball bats to stabilize the materials... supposed to make them sound better and last longer.

What would you rec in the preamp's?
I use Tung-Sol for preamp tubes... so I recommend those. However, it's definitely a matter of taste. When I get 12AX7's, I get a few different brands and try them in all spots including the power amp inputs. I take the covers off the components and put a pre tube in and jam for a while and then change them up... you'll know when you find one you like.

I actually use GT-Chinese for the Mesa 2:90 inputs.
I put those JJecc83s in the 1086 and it did great things for it WOW what a difference from the Groove Tubes that were in it.

Tried the Tung Sol but didnt care for it, i think it will sound better on the chassis preamp stage. with a couple JJs or EHs to accompany it.

Tried the jjs in the Ultra lead and didnt like it so i left the EH and The no name chinese in it and i love it like that. Anyone know what those no namers could be?

The Rectified has one EH and one JJ and it really sounds clearer and more pronounced.

I tried one tung sol in all the modules with one other preamp tube and just didnt care for its lack of gain IMO. but like i said, i think it would sound great on the chassis.

I run KT88s and KT66s in my power amp and i run the 66s a little soft at 32ma and the 88s hot at about 50ma and holy crap the amp has never sounded so good actually no amp i have ever owned has ever sounded so good.
khingpynn said:
JJ or Tug Sol

I would have to say for high gain the jjecc83 is it for me, it punchy and has tons of bite.

The Tung Sol is a killer tube for Warmth IMO. Has great lows but the mids seem to be missing almost lost in the highes, but again thats just my ear.

I hear allot of guys use the Tung Sol and them only, and others swear to the JJs its all a matter of preference I think.

I read allot of reviews on what the tubes do and there characteristics in different situations before i decide on a tube. As one person posted has tons of info on tubes also I like prices are a bit better here i think.