presense & density

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rok-n rod

Active member
Oct 10, 2006
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having trouble finding the sweet spot with presense & density, just wondering how everyone was running these. thanks all.
It really depends on the cabinet/speakers/room you're using. The "sweet spot" will be different in every situation.

I know, big help, right? :)
I run the density at about 12 oclock and the presence around 9 or 10 most of the time,it took alittle playing around with.
I set my tones up with the density and presence at zero. That way when I get to a club or room that is lacking something I add it in by making up for the room acoustics with these two knobs. It's cool to not have to reset all 4 modules EQ wise.I use an Egnater M4 into the power section of the RM50 head and when you come into the effects return this way it's cool that these two knobs are still available for tweakage. I know you could still do the same thing with them set at 12 oclock, but I like to use as much low end in my module tone setting as possible. That ways it sends those fequencies through the distortion circuitry as much as possible.
Ya it really depends on the surroundings and your personal tastes but once you start finding thoughs settings the skys the limit.
"Man I really do love these amps"The possibilities just keep comimg and coming.
RD/Man made this comment on the HC forum MTS thread awhile back:

"I wanted everyone to know of a recent modification that we're making to the RM100 Density control. Currently this pot is a linear taper meaning that is comes on very fast so at about a 10 or 11 o'clock setting you are increasing the bass a ton. We just started changing the Density control pot this month to an audio taper pot which increases the bass much more evenly when you turn the pot up.

For all of you currently using the RM100 and finding it has to much low end for you, I would suggest you try turning the Density control all the way down to start, then bring it up slowly until you find the right spot. You may only need to turn the Density knob up to 9 or 10 o'clock, but this is fine because again the pot is coming on and boosting the low end very fast.

Thought this might help everyone to control the lows better."

I'm not sure if I have the old or new pot in my RM50B, but I'm currently running density at 11:00 and presence at 10:30.
It can be a little tricky to set the density sweet spot on my RM100.
I may try changing to an audio taper one.

Also on the same subject, i wish they'd put 2 density/presence pot on the RM100 or two differently voiced circuit and that they would be selectable for each modules, this way it would be cool to have two different feel for clean/distortion something that can be done on a RT2/50 when used as two power amps ...
thanks for every ones help, i'm going to try starting them @ zero then bring them up after setting modules
depending on the tubes you have the tone will also be alot diffrent, when I ran el34s I had the presence around 3 oclock and the density around 8:30, now with 6l6s I have the prensnce at around 1:00 and the density at about 9:00
For recording i jack the density up to like 3 o'clock even with my bass jacked way up as well (XTC module with el34s) to get a nice cab "whop" when i palm mute and so forth. When playing live...i turn them both way down to cut through the mix a lil more. Also if your mic'ing your cab with the mics at the club your playing you don't want to much density because most of the time the mics are sub-par and have a hard time with all that heaviness.
i agree 3 on the presence and 12 - 3 on the density. i think the presence plays alot into the highs. noticed most on the xtc and ultra
i love running the density up high, i like the bottom end :D Live, I usually back up both density and presence to 2-3 o'clock. The MTS cabs are great for driving the bottom end, but with the presence too high, the modules can get real irritating and buzzy on the mids and highs.
Of course these are adjusted for whatever room, but in general Density at about noon and Presence at about 3 o'clock.

On the Eggie Mod 100, density is usually between off and 9:00 and presence is around 12:00. The Randall density however is usually off as I cannot dial in the right amount. I know it is an older version with the linear taper pot so the bass comes on fast. The presence is roughly the same as on the Eggie. I'm from the old school though when it comes to amp settings. I like to get the thump from the speakers and volume. I've never liked adding in artificial bass frequecies as it never sounded natural to me.
I use a MOD 100 with E34L tubes, I run the density all the way off and presence at about 3:00 for a band volume situation. When I'm recording at a lower volme I'll bring the density to about 10:00.
it seeems its more of a volume thing if you turn the amp up louder the bass and treble comes out on its own. probably best to go off the module first then adjust the presence and density
I started messing with the density control on my MOD50 last night and really came to realize that I prefer it all the way off, especially with 4x12 Celestion Heritage Greenback cabinet. Presence can range anywhere between 12:00 and 3:00.