questions about module modification

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Feb 19, 2010
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i'm from france, and unfortunately, there is no "freaking module modifier amptech" around my city, lol !

i've decided to try by myself ....
i play almost only metal, mainly death and black.

i need more gain on 3 modules, grail, mr scary and 1086.

i've see that i can start by change the C3 cap, and maybe the V2 tube.

any advice ? is there something more i can do ?

i'm a newbie in mods, but i know where i can buy the parts i need.
can you tell me what i have to buy please ?

thanks in advance, really love this forum, and the randall stuff !

I would start by replacing the resistors with metal film resistors. They have a 1% tolerance. I replaced those and also got some Sprague Orange Drop caps some mallory's and some Mojo Dijon caps. You have to experiment. Change out the parts with stock values and then see how it sounds. If there's something missing, then start changing values of caps. I'd like to get a thread started on what the parts of the module do as far as what effect they have on the sound, gain, tone stack ect. That's if I can get anyone to give up a secret or two. Later dude. Good luck!
i'm from france, and unfortunately, there is no "freaking module modifier amptech" around my city, lol

There's none around me either...many of us ship from US to CZ for Salvations mods, so I'm sure you can ship there or over here to Gigmods, JFaith, Racksytems, Voodoo

Cost a little bit extra to ship, but not as much you might fear
A quick non-destructive gain upgrade is to take any JJs out of the modules and replace them with Chinese 12AX7AC5 HG+ made by Shuguang.

You may also want to bias your power tubes a little colder, say to the range minimum. There's a reason Mesa Boogie and Peavey bias their amps dead cold.

If this doesn't do it you might want to send them to Salvation mods (Anthony) over in the Czech Republic.
I will try that. Thanks. I haven't even checked the bias being the amp is so new.
the 12ax7ac5 hg+ is a Ruby tube according to "doug's tubes". Apparently a remake of the Shushuang generation 9 tube. I will try them out though. Gotta give me some time to order them. Thanks! :lol:
thx a lot !!!!

i haven't try to change the bias of my rt2/50, but i will give it a try this week !!!
i've just trade one of my module for a modern loaded with ruby tubes, so tomorow i'll try this tubes on all my modules to see (hear?) if there 's a big difference !