Quick question...

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Yeah ive just this minute switched it from the parallel to the series loop , i dont really notice much difference but i actually think i got a tab bit more bass when it was in the parallel loop... I am really in love with this BBE i have been running it with nearly no process and at about 1:00 on the low contour..
Getting some deizel type tones out of the Erect on modern mode with the tight switch and the orage/red channel switch on red.... I am also getting some killer tones outa my 59rr custom with the gain stage on 3 stages...
zepplin490 said:
Do i have to run my paralell loop 100% wet with a BBE sonic maximizer... Will it work in the series loop?
The BBE works best in the series loop.

The problem with parallel loops is that even when set to 100% wet, some dry signal almost always gets through. It's never enough to mess with chorus, phaser, delay, reverb, flanger, etc, because they use a combination of dry and wet signal anyway. But the BBE doesn't like any dry signal mixed in, at least in my experience.
gag halfrunt said:
zepplin490 said:
Do i have to run my paralell loop 100% wet with a BBE sonic maximizer... Will it work in the series loop?
The BBE works best in the series loop.

The problem with parallel loops is that even when set to 100% wet, some dry signal almost always gets through. It's never enough to mess with chorus, phaser, delay, reverb, flanger, etc, because they use a combination of dry and wet signal anyway. But the BBE doesn't like any dry signal mixed in, at least in my experience.
Yes sir!! You heard the guys. Spot on. :)