Quick samples of my new rig

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Well-known member
May 13, 2008
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Hey there

In a quick effort to get a quick idea of my RM4 and modules, I recorded some wanking around. Disclaimer, I am not very good at sensless wanking, so I appologize for it.

My cab is the weakest link to me right now, will be updated soon. I just mic'd this up quick, down and dirty, some light processessing on the track and outputed it to give a quick example.

I am open to hearing setting suggestions on any of these mods.




Ultra XL:
I think you did a pretty good job with the tone settings, audioholic. Trying to keep my personal tone preferences out, I'd say the only real critique I have is that I hear a lot of low end on the Clean, and there's a lot of lower mid mud on the KH2 and UltraXL, which sort of "fuzzifies" your tone, especially on palm mutes. The real issue I hear is that your lows and subs are really pumping on the KH2 and UltraXL; now this may be a byproduct of your pickups ( :?: ), but you'd definitely be arguing with the bass in a full band recording. I'd recommend rolling off the mids to "clean up" the sound a bit, and taking out the lows to the point where you can't feel them in a recording. With the Plexi, I think you really got a great tone, though. Have fun playing with the settings. I thought the recording was nicely done, also.

I agree with the lows, I would have to eq these clips more to get them to fit in a mix, just recorded them quickly to get an idea of how they sound with a mic.

I generally like to feel the bass when I am playing, which is a problem no doubt :lol:

Thanks for your input
NCdan said:
I think you did a pretty good job with the tone settings, audioholic. Trying to keep my personal tone preferences out, I'd say the only real critique I have is that I hear a lot of low end on the Clean, and there's a lot of lower mid mud on the KH2 and UltraXL, which sort of "fuzzifies" your tone, especially on palm mutes. The real issue I hear is that your lows and subs are really pumping on the KH2 and UltraXL; now this may be a byproduct of your pickups ( :?: ), but you'd definitely be arguing with the bass in a full band recording. I'd recommend rolling off the mids to "clean up" the sound a bit, and taking out the lows to the point where you can't feel them in a recording. With the Plexi, I think you really got a great tone, though. Have fun playing with the settings. I thought the recording was nicely done, also.

That's why you boost it with a overdrive pedal, they really tightens up the sound. I got my custom OD pedal from Bodenhamer-electronics.com...... Best addition to my rig.
I will check out that site

so do you keep your overdrive pretty clean, but just use it as an input eq more or less?

how would and OCD work?
That's why you boost it with a overdrive pedal, they really tightens up the sound. I got my custom OD pedal from Bodenhamer-electronics.com...... Best addition to my rig.

I don't think one needs an overdrive pedal to get lows and subs out of the signal. Granted, I think only one stage of EQ might not be enough, but idk if it matters so much live, but for recording I recommend a multiband EQ rather than an overdrive pedal, plus, a multiband EQ doesn't color the sound like an overdrive pedal does, but that's just my opinion. Sorry for hijacking the thread, audioholic :p .
crankyrayhanky said:
cool site- tony- do you have the Bloody Murder?

YES!!!!!!!!!!! I got it finally yesterday. I LOVE IT!!!!!! My tubescreamer is nothing compared to this.

And I use the OD with no drive, volume at max, and tone to liking.