Rack of Delight June 2012

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Here's a pic I snapped earlier...It doesn't include the rest of the family- my RM100 and RM50... :D
I have rack envy...... that's one nice big rack Fig. Would a module motorboat be out of the question?
The Rossness said:

How do the JF and Salvation Soldano mods compare?

Hmmmm....Hard to say...Similar in some tonal ways...I like the JF cause it's very smooth and great for leads while I like the Salvado (when in SLO mode) for a more aggressive and bitey tone...Both are awesome...
I found the JF SLO too smooth for my tastes.. I wanted a tad more bite. Great for what it is though and I really dig the crunch channel. I just preferred my own modded module at the end of the day as it crunched and bit more.
Mattfig said:
Here's a pic I snapped earlier...It doesn't include the rest of the family- my RM100 and RM50... :D
I only looked at it for a moment and there was swelling. In the words of George Costanza "I think it moved". :shock:


.....but for live gigs what do you bring out? The GT10..the rm50?
I love how this setup is so organized. Like tones together with a clean in every RM4. Sexy...

Fig do you use your RM100 or RM50 for shows?
Thanks Mr. Sauce! The RoD is so big it has to be organized to be functional...I've been planning on making a youtube vid for any interested parties on how it's all linked and operates...At least I've had a handful of requests...The cool part is that I use one foot controller to access everything...Each mod has a specific set of power tubes, specific external EQ, goes through pedals and racks for FX, and routes out via DI and traditional cabs...It's fun when it is working, which is about 95% of the time...

For live, I'm the singer...lol...But when I play guitar live (which is regularly again) I typically use my RM50 with a Randall 412 of X-patterned Celestions - Neos and KHs...I have the exact same cab for my RM100 but only use that when other people carry our gear...lol...Which isn't too often anymore...The RM100 sounds better but not enough to justify the extra weight on a regular basis...I think it's as heavy as the cab it sits on...

Anyway, last night I field-tested the RM50 setup and it was bliss...It was super awesome for me because one of my guitarists is a strict vintage Marshall guy and scoffs at anything else no matter how great...Well, long story short, we were both playing 80s Les Pauls and when I was using my JF PlexiTweed in Plexi mode with a boost - our tones were indistinguishable at loud volume - note: never heard them quiet but I'm sure it would have been the same...Anyway, it was crazy close in tone..I knew it was for him too because he looked annoyed but would never admit it...Then my other guitar player laughed when he turned on his mesa stiletto as though he'd won the monster gain award...Then I just stepped on the footswitch, activated the TerrierII, and enjoyed a last chuckle...Both pay out the *** for expensive gear and just two mods and 50 watts was every bit as good as theirs and IMO, much better...

In instance 1, my PlexiTweed still had a tight switch, boost, and Fender modes...His Marshall was doing one of its two tricks...It also has a great clean - that the PlexiTweed matched easily...

In instance 2, the stiletto sounds great but I have another 6 modules that crush it...The TerrierII got to have the fun last night providing a deeper and richer tone than the Stiletto but both had similar tone strangely enough...The TerrierII was just better...

Don't get me wrong, both guys have killer tone, mine's just better... :wink:
I for one would love to see your setup in more detail Fig! I'm all in on MTS and have been considering the rack route. The RM100 is a real back breaker for sure...

Haha that had to be fun to rub it in! :twisted: That has to be annoying for those guys. Extremely well cloned tone if not improving upon the originals and for less money. MTS is a beautiful thing.
Jacksauce said:
I for one would love to see your setup in more detail Fig! I'm all in on MTS and have been considering the rack route. The RM100 is a real back breaker for sure...

Haha that had to be fun to rub it in! :twisted: That has to be annoying for those guys. Extremely well cloned tone if not improving upon the originals and for less money. MTS is a beautiful thing.

Well it won't be pretty per se, but I'll get something up this week or next...My JF Trilogy vid is first priority...And yes, MTS is a beautiful thing...It ain't perfect outta the box for most but once you realize what you have, what you can do with it and the options, it can be a tremendous asset...It is for me, I'll have a new set of original tunes coming out as soon as possible as well and all MTS...But I digress...