Recall Sheet For Modules

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Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
The Meadows
Hello to the group!

I do a lot of recording and I like to cover my *** if I need to do additional guitar overdubs after I've changed amp setups... so I made these recall sheets.

The file size of this PDF is so small it should be easy for anyone to download.

If someone wants a "mod" done i.e. Pete's modules to the existing Recall Sheet, let me know and I'll try and get it done for you.
Or any other ideas that anyone might have!!

I love this forum and my MTS system!


MTS Recall Sheet
Really nice..thanks!

Might I suggest a small addition...small black box in bottom left of module graphic to write in the module name? :D
That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

How about an Egnater version (with dual gain knobs, dual master knobs, and 3-position switches for bright & bass boost)? :)
