Recommend me a 2x12 cab

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Active member
Jul 19, 2009
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Austin, TX
Hi, Im about to buy a RM 50 head and Im looking for a good 2x12 to go with it. I've been looking around and this are some of the options Im considering:
Orange PPC212 (V30)
Vader 2x12 (Eminence Legends)
Splawn OS 2x12 with V30 or maybe Eminence legends
So what would you recommend me? Is there any other cab or speaker I should be considering?

Thanks for your help!
Check out Avatar man...they have three different styles of 2x12 cabs...and for speakers, you should definitely look at Avatar's Hella Tone 60s, which are literally Celestion V30s which Avatar breaks in for approximately 15 hours; all they do after that is slap on a "Hella Tone" sticker on them.

You could get a Hella Tone loaded 2x12 from them for well under $400. If you had to have new V30s, it would be a little more.
Thanks for the suggestions so far!

I should have said that Im willing to spend around $550-600 (US) for the cab.

I heard that avatar cabs were great for the money, but I was hoping I could get something nicer for 600. Same goes for Lopo. Now, Im not an expert, so I might be wrong.

I tried a g-flex and it was a nice cab, but didnt do it for me.

Anyone have tried orange, vader, splawn or mesa recto 2x12's?
I have a Mesa oversized vertical 2x12 with has a great sound, powerful enough to keep up with any loud band- and much easier to transport to practice than the Marshall 1960av

Not a lot of experience with other cabs/speakers, just vouching that this cab delivers
This is not very important, exist a lot of good boxes from many companies.
Important are speakers in it. For metal Celestion V30 is factory standard :)
Some people don?t like it as same as I don?t like Eminence (but this is only personal taste, nothing more) For compromising sound (not bad clean, not bad distorted) Celestion Greenback or Celestion Classic Lead 80 (used by Egnater now). For clean sound some of Alnico speakers (Weber, Jensen or best of the best Celestion Alnico Blue)

Orange cabs are one of the greatest, Avatar is good enough and cheap (I have two of them) and I believe that Vader, Splawn etc is good too. Ideal cab is not exist, again this is only question of personal taste. In my country many people build their own cabs, copies of M/B, Orange etc and they work perfect too. Good cab is nothing like mystery, magic, mojo or other seller-lies :)
If you're still looking you should seriously consider Randall's R212NXT. When I first got involved in the forum, I went to hear Jaded Faith (Rob) at a gig and was blown away by his tone; his cab was a 212NXT. I got a new one for $525 (shipped) via RD/Rich on the forum direct from Randall. It's got custom-voiced Celestion Neo speakers which have just the right blend of vintage and modern voicing. The cab only weighs 30lbs, and has mic-eliminators. I played a 1960a for 15 years, loaded with just about every Celestion made; vintage black-backs, green backs, 75's, V30's, G12H30's, Hellatones (30s, 60s); then went with a pair a Avatar 2x12's again loaded with all kinds of mixes; even went thru several Eminence models.

Best endorsement I can give is that I'll never get another least not until I get signed and have roadies luggin' my s**t!
I'll go with the Avatar Contemporary (these are oversized Orange style) 212 with Hellatone 60Ls, or you could get one empty and put the Eminence Lynch SuperV12's in it. Lopo and Avatar are very similar in build quality from what I've read, plus the guy at Avatar is a good dude.
Julia said:
I'll go with the Avatar Contemporary (these are oversized Orange style) 212 with Hellatone 60Ls,
Hey, you have same cab like me :)
Whats the main difference in sound between the vintage, traditional and contemporary avatar cabs? Im about to grab one but Im not sure which model to choose.

Hey dboy, how would you compare that cab with the contemporary avatar cab, or maybe with an orange? Im not concerned about the weight, so thats not a plus for the randall cab (at least for me).
I heard port city cabs are great, but they are out of my budget. The OS 2x12 are going for $750, like a mills, I wish I had the money :(
AfroSamurai said:
Whats the main difference in sound between the vintage, traditional and contemporary avatar cabs? Im about to grab one but Im not sure which model to choose.

Hey dboy, how would you compare that cab with the contemporary avatar cab, or maybe with an orange? Im not concerned about the weight, so thats not a plus for the randall cab (at least for me).

The Avatar Contemporary dimensions are exactly the same as the Orange Amps cabinets. I own a pair of Contemporary 212s and have measured them and compared the measurements with those on the Orange Amps web site. They use voidless birch plywood. They're well made. You can even get them in Orange with the wheat grill! Orange uses Vintage 30s in theirs.

There is NO PRICE DIFFERENCE between Hellatone 60, 60L, or Vintage 30 equipped cabs. The ONLY difference between the Hellatone 60 and the Vintage 30 is that the Hellatones have been broken in for 15 hrs under controlled conditions. He cannot sell these as NEW Celestions because of this break-in period, so he relabels them. The 60Ls have a larger dustcap and a response to about 65 Hz as opposed to whatever the Vintage 30s do, otherwise they're a Vintage 30.
I owned a Traditional 2x12 until it fell out of the back of my equipment trailer somewhere between Tahoe and the Bay Area. I replaced it with a Vintage 2x12.

While it sucked to lose a cabinet and be out the money, I was pretty happy that I got the Vintage. It was much deeper sounding and had the same kind of chest thumping bass response you get out of a 4x12. The Traditional had none of that quality. It sounded OK but not the big tone of the Vintage.