RM100 problem ...please help

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2010
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St. Louis
Well I started using my RM100 at shows and it sounded great. But at the 3rd show ... in the 3rd set. The sound started going real soft ...then got loud again ...then went down again (almost to a clean channel) then back loud again ...and so on. I have a Digitech RP1000 so I was able to finish the 3rd set playing straight into the board (good thing cause I left my Egnater Renegade at home ...this time). Anyway ..it did not seem hot at all and the tubes seemed to be glowing evenly. No "bad tube" light was on. After sitting turned off for the set and break....I played through it fine for the 4th set. I have a big show coming up thurs. night and wanted to use the Randall but I'm scared it may happen again. Please help if you can.
Is it only one module that is doing this? Sometimes certain modules make bad contact and can do this.
I had a problem very similiar to that. I had a hard time pinpointing the problem and getting it to consistently do it. I could never seem to catch it in the act.Finally I realized it was the Main power switch making a weak connection. I would play and wiggle the switch and it would do just as you described. Finally bypassed the switch and ordered a new one. Everything is good now.

Good Luck!!!
hard to say what the problem is..need more info..
some basic trouble shooting is needed. Any additional info from that is gonna really help. for now, Im not sure... I have a weird thing with my RM50...and I think its just two oxidixed wires that run to the speaker..almost certain of it.
My RM50 was a turd until I swapped out the internal preamp tube. I believe the bad tube LED is only for the power tubes and not the preamp tubes.

Swap out the preamp tube furthest to the right and rear and see if it stops.
This was occurring in all the modules. The ONLY thing I did different that night was : switch 2 of the modules. Before I had the Plexi in #3 and the XTC in #2. I swapped them out before the show. It played fine for 2 sets before doin' what I described. I don't know what other information I can give.
A friend of mine was having a similar problem with his RM100, he brought it over to me, we plugged it in in the garage, worked fine. Brought it in the house, played fine for a little bit and then started having problems. When I started to open her up some of the mounting screws were missing, I dug around inside, tightened a few loose connections and put it back together, replacing the missing screws. Modules slid in better, channel switch was smoother. I think maybe the missing screws were letting some things flex a little and loosen up. I know this doesn't seem likely, but it's worked 100 percent since then.
Vince said:
My RM50 was a turd until I swapped out the internal preamp tube. I believe the bad tube LED is only for the power tubes and not the preamp tubes.

Swap out the preamp tube furthest to the right and rear and see if it stops.

It was doing this on all three modules ... think it could still be that?
I am not talking about the modules tubes. Your amplifier itself is full of tubes.
Oh ..i thought the modules had all the pre amp tubes and the head itself just had the power tubes.
no, you have your Input tube, phase tube and effects tubes in the head with the small silver heat shroud on them, check those guys
Yep... my input tube was toast and made the amp sound like ***. Once I replaced it... tone heaven. :)
Wow ... ok thanks ! I'm pretty new to the tube world (obviously) and I appreciate the help. I'm assuming I need a meter to check all these tubes out?
Nah... just replace them.... if there is no difference... that's not it! :lol:
k9blek said:
Wow ... ok thanks ! I'm pretty new to the tube world (obviously) and I appreciate the help. I'm assuming I need a meter to check all these tubes out?

Meters cost more than new preamp tubes. Try finding a tube tester these days. lol. I remember you could go to the drug store and do that back in the day or shall we say back before the day.
So.... I used my Egnater Renegade head at my last show because of the problems I was having with the RM100 .... I had basically the same issue with my Egnater head. ... so ...IT CAN'T BE THE HEADS ... not both of them doin' the same thing. The timing was different tho. This time it was when I was doin' sound check. The sound went all the way down to like a clean setting with little volume ... i messed around and got it back on ... and then it did it again ...several times. I adjusted everything ...wiggled everything ...tightened everything ... and it worked fine the rest of the show. So ... knowing the issues from above and from this post .... what can I expect this to be? Could a faulty 1/4 in. cable cause this ? Volume drops down to a clean quit sound or completely no sound ? I've taken my RP1000 out of the mix and it still had the problem. Could it be something in my guitar? Speaker cable? Open to suggestions ! Good news is that it does not appear to be the RM100's problem.
I use the 4 cable method so it's not just as easy as swapping out a single cable to see if it helps ... i'll need to check them all at length if anyone thinks a cable could cause this issue.
The Egnater Renegade kinda points to something other than the amp.

My Schecter had a bad solder on one of the wires to the tone pot. It would play fine for a variable amount of time, then cut out, or the signal would drop to a very low level.

I'd check with another guitar. Change only one thing at a time.

* try a different guitar. does it work? yes? this is where the problem is.
* could it be the speaker cable? try a different one. Does this work?
* then grab another cable (can be cheap) and swap out one cable at a time. Did you find one that was bad?
* oh, and pull the back off your speaker cabinet and check the connections on the speakers themselves.

good luck. I'm dealing with computers now. grrr....
thanks for the info. I wondered if it could be caused by something in my guitar or perhaps a bad cable but it just didn't seem like any problem i've every had w/ a cable before. I'll start doin' some tests.